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Mike Norris
10 articles

Hi all, 'Lukgraph' 1:32nd scale resin/3D...

October 1, 2024 · in Uncategorized · · 3 · 36

Hi all,
'Lukgraph' 1:32nd scale resin/3D printed.
Phönix D.I, Serial No:J.12 (previously A.110), operated by the Austro-Hungarian ‘Kriegsmarine’ (Naval) from Abwehrflugstation Zaule, Trieste, 1918.

As usual my website has a PDF build log (on Logs page 1) covering this model.


Reader reactions:
7  Awesome 2  1 

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

3 responses

  1. Congratulations, Mike!
    An awesome D.I!

  2. A beautiful build, Mike @sandbagger
    Very realistic.

  3. Mike Norris (@sandbagger)
    It was a real pleasure watching you work your magic on this one. I have never build (or owned) any resin kit. Judging by the looks of this one, they have some incredible details cast into them. I'm sure they would be different as far as building is concerned.

    This is another masterpiece. Thanks again for the continued support with our ever growing Great War group.

    I just noticed the intake and exhaust manifolds are just the opposite of how they were on a typical German aircraft. I wonder if they installed the engine rotated 180 degrees in these aircraft ?

    Do you have plans for another project to add to the group ?

    It would be great if you could.

    I made sure to click on several of the various "like" buttons.

    Well done !

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