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John J Licht
17 articles

1/35 Tamiya Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar

December 19, 2024 · in Armor · · 10 · 194

This my first attempt at ambush / disc camouflage. All colors were Vallejo. My process was as follows: Paint the vehicle in a 3 color pattern. Seal with clear coat to prevent paint lifting. Create dots using blue painters tape and 1/4 and 1/8 hole punches. Apply the holes in a barely overlapping pattern over the brown and green portions. Spray a second coat of yellow. Remove the dots and then touch up.

What I learned: Painters tape was the right material, disc stencils were easily applied, removed, did not pull up any paint and required minimal touch up. Tape, since it has no backing, is very difficult to get out of the hole punches. I should have sprayed more green and brown areas.

Kit and figure was built straight from the box with the only additions being the front light and antenna base external wiring. Rear pistol port was molded separate and only needed the retaining chain. The stowage items are from the parts box. Foliage is a $ 9.99 no-name product (includes a green and brown portion) from Amazon. All comments and critiques are welcome. Thanks.

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7  Awesome 1 

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Excellent result, John!

  2. A very nice result on this camouflage, John @atjoe
    Thanks for sharing how you created that circle pattern.

  3. Nice work. This camouflage seems very effective at breaking up the vehicle’s shape, much like modern digital schemes.

  4. In my opinion is really a great work, bravo

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