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George R Blair Jr
86 articles

Added to the Display Case in 2024

December 27, 2024 · in Photo Collections · · 36 · 301

It has become somewhat traditional on iModeler to finish off our modeling year with a look back at the models we have added to the display shelf. It is fun to look back because I often forget many of the kits I have completed. I seem to remember the ones that gave me trouble, while the kits that went together easily slip from my mind. I have included two that I am currently working on, a 1/72 Valom Wellesley and a 1/72 Italeri F-104G. I hope to finish both this year. I hope this was a good year for everyone, and I hope next year is another great year. Cheers

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome 4  1 

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

36 responses

  1. Nice production, George. Congrats!
    Happy 2025 to you and yours...

  2. Looks like a very good year, George!
    Can't pick a fav as they all looks great, but the sabre do look awesome.

  3. I remember all of these George (@gblair) and it was a pleasure to follow along as each was built. Over the course of the year, I was delighted to see some of the techniques you used for weathering and it inspires me to continue to improve in this area. Another area I think you are very good at is research. You seemed to do this effortlessly and this is another inspiration to get better at this on my part.Thanks for taking the time to share your work and let's hope for another great modeling year in 2025.

    • Thanks, Carl (@clipper). I have also been inspired by many of your fearless adventures into new techniques, especially in scratchbuilding. The research comes from teaching college history for 20 years. Being retired from the Air Force, and retired from teaching provides some very different skills. Have a great new year.

  4. George,
    Some strong work in the modeling dept. The Hudson's really stand out after following your build blog. I've been reading your F-104 blog with John and Spiros. The three of you are making the kit look like a fun build. Looking forward to seeing you cross the finish line with the F-104 and the Wellesley.

  5. Those are all great looking models, George @gblair ! You completed a lot of masterpieces. I especially like the F-16.

  6. What a fantastic modeling year, George, both quantity and quality wise.
    Wishing you a happy and even more productive 2025!

  7. Some wonderful models finished in 2024, George @gblair
    It was a pleasure to follow along the progress of those builds.
    Looking forward to your 2025 production.
    Best wishes for 2025.

  8. Very nice selection, other George

  9. Woah George @gblair, those Hudsons look fantastic! I look forward to seeing what you build in 25!

    • Thanks, Felix (@fxrob). My Dad spent some time in the Aleutians during WW2 and had several photos of Hudsons. Once you start researching Hudsons you realize that there are too many cool paint schemes to do just one.

  10. Very sharp work, I really like the Hudsons.

  11. Thanks, Dale (@dtravis). Hudsons are cool. I hope to build a couple of my 1/48 Hudsons in 2025.

  12. Some great looking models there George, I was most impressed with your Fokker DR1, your research and application of detail most impressive. You set a very high standard.

  13. George @gblair, you have made a great collection of builds for 2024! I like all of them, the Hudson are pretty cool. 👍

  14. Quite a productive year, George! @gblair
    Your Sabre collection is amazing, also enjoyed you following building the Sabres during the GB. Happy New Year 🎆

  15. Thanks for the kind words, Alfred (@alfred). I don't think I have found a Sabre that didn't look cool. Same with F-104s. Happy New Year to you.

  16. An impressive 2024 production line and a set of beautiful models, George! I particularly like the trio of Hudsons and the F-16. I am doing a version of that same F-16 in 1/32 with some supposedly film-less decals. The challenge will be worth it for such a colourful scheme. I am impressed with how much quality 3-D printing you do. That is a great addition to the craftsmanship you have been developing this year.

  17. Thanks, Colin (@coling). Hudsons are very cool, along with their bigger brother, the Ventura. I have a bunch more that I want to do. Whose film-less decals are you using? I have seen some offered by Fantasy Printshop in the UK, but haven't seen anyone use them yet.

    • They're called Uprise Decals - sold by a vendor in Serbia on eBay. They look pretty good. Not cheap, though. I couldn't find the Two Bobs version in 1/32 anywhere.

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

      • Those look really nice, Colin (@coling). I have noticed that decals seem to be especially expensive now, particularly 1/32. I can make masks to paint some markings, but something this complex has to be a decal. I am on my way to check out Uprise.

  18. Very nice line-up! Well done, and Happy New Year!

  19. G’day George (@gblair),
    A great collection of builds.
    I hope to find a RAAF Sabre to build one day.
    Have a happy 2025.

  20. Thanks, Greg (@gkittinger). You also had some really nice models this year.

    Thanks, Michael (@michaelt). There are some nice paint schemes for Australian Sabres. So many models, so little time. :o)

  21. Some nice additions George.

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