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Rafi Ben-Shahar
400 articles

Classic Airframes 1/48 Meteor FR 8 IDF

December 19, 2024 · in Aviation · · 10 · 252

As a kid I used to join the party of raiders on newly positioned salvage aircraft in public squares and kinder gardens. To this , I arrived too late as the cockpit was thoroughly gutted. Fortunately, this was a period of color exploration for my models and I cut small aluminum pieces of the Dark Brown and Dark Blue colors.

Many years later, these chips gave a handsome service in that I was able to accurately depict the camouflage tones of the common IDF scheme in the 60s. The kit itself is a tough build like most models.

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10 responses

  1. Excellent work on the color tones - you achieved a nice scale effect in the slightly lighter colors of the model.

  2. Those colors do look perfect to me, Rafi @blackmopane
    Nice build.

  3. Excellent result out of the challenging CA kit, Rafi!
    Love the color shades!

  4. Nice work, Rafi. I’m grateful for the Airfix Meteor after building one of those. You were a wise young man to cut those color chips back in the day!

  5. Done to the usual excellent Rafi Standard.

    I managed to build several C-A Meteors and every one was difficult. The night fighter, the trainer and the Mk.4 are unobtainable otherwise in 1/48.

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