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The Battlecruiser HMS Hood 1941, Flyhawk 1/700

December 24, 2024 · in Ships · · 20 · 330

Today, I would like to introduce the scale model of the British . I'm using a kit from , which recreates the ship as it appeared during the Battle of the Denmark Strait in . This was quite a challenge for me to complete due to the sheer size and the precision required. I used the etchings and parts from the deluxe version that I could manage with my skill level, and I made the masts and yards out of tapered brass wire. Additionally, to highlight the delicate molds of the wooden deck, I painted each board individually, and I included more rigging than usual. For the hull color, known as 507A/B, which is a very dark grey, I opted for a shade that emphasized a blue tint rather than just using black. I believe I have, to some extent, successfully recreated the beautiful lines of the 's iconic ship. I would like to pay my respects to Flyhawk for producing such an excellent kit, and also to the HMS Hood Association for sharing a wealth of valuable information online.

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20 responses

  1. That is just brilliant work! An outstanding effort all around!

  2. What an impressive achievement, Naoki @yamanaka! 🤩 Incredible ship modeling on display here; curiosity compels me to ask how long is the model in that scale? 🙂

    • Thank you for your comments. I just measured the length and it was 37 cm (14.57 inches). She was indeed a very long and narrow ship. However, at 1/700 scale, this is the size.

  3. Man, the hull weathering makes this model for me.

  4. Another masterpiece, Naoki. Well done.

  5. Outstanding result, Naoki!

  6. That is really nice! Good in scale detail and everything is included. Great model.

  7. Absolutely stunning. Your attention to detail and painstaking precision have made this something to be proud of. Congrats!

  8. Beautiful display of the HMS Hood, Naoki @yamanaka
    Merry Christmas

  9. A beautiful and poignant kit. A friend of my father's father was a carpenter at John Brown's building the Hood and he was taken to the launch as a small child. He credited the experience for making him a lifelong pacifist and concientoious objector in WWII. The loss of life on both sides in these ships was truly horrific.

  10. Thank you all for such encouraging comments! HMS Hood was a gigantic mighty vessel that evokes a certain pain due to its tragic history. However, this very fact makes its beauty even more impressive. Creating ship models requires immense patience, but I believe the joy of holding a completed ship in your hands is truly rewarding. I hope more people will engage in making ship models."

  11. She just looks beautiful Naoki. Superb attention to detail. Fantastic 👍

  12. Fantastic detailing. I can imagine the hours you spent. Job well done.

  13. Very nice! I'm not familiar with the detail level of that Flyhawk kit, but I enjoy looking for things like the ship's boats and various cable spools, as well as neat railing installation. The details that you brought out with paint are just beautiful!

  14. Beautiful! Thanks sharing.


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