Zoukei Mura Bf109 G The best 1/32 scale kit ever produced

December 16, 2024 · in Aviation · · 12 · 399

Well what can I say? Hands down the best scale kit I have ever had the pleasure to build. FINALLY a kit with absolutely zero flaws! Yes they are expensive kits (around 150.00 -200.00) but they should be twice that cost. The engineering is flawless, the plastic is perfect, the directions are more like a manual for building the real thing, decals by Cartograph, and the people that engineer these kits are true artists! Do I need to say more?

That does not mean it's an easy kit and it's definitely not for the beginner, but this kit is a must have as are all the Zoukei Mura kits . If you haven't built a Zoukei Mura, you don't know what you are missing!

The G took me around 150 hours to build and this is my 42 model of the year, with this by far being my best.

Tamiya acrylics are used throughout (thats the only paint I ever use).

I hope you enjoy my results!

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8  Awesome 1 

21 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. That looks great ! It would be a great museum display.

  2. Nicely done! Did I read you right that you built 42 models this year? What is your day job?!

  3. Building models is my job 😊yes 42 models this year, I should finish 45 by the end of the year. Thank you!

  4. Superb result, Rick! Love it!

  5. Excellent. Well done Rick.

  6. That's a wonderful build, Rick @rickschad
    Definitely a winner. With those open panels you can claerly see how well such an aircraft was engineered. Beautifully detailed.
    Merry Christmas

  7. Thank you John! Merry Christmas!

  8. Well done, Chas. I have been wanting to try some of their 1/48 kits.

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