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Paul Higgins
30 articles

Heinkel He 111 G & L subtypes: Roden/Hasegawa-merged builds

January 13, 2025 · in Aviation · · 10 · 216

Hi, guys... these are two of my older kits from between 15 and 18 years ago, which I refurbished recently. They comprise parts from the Roden He111B/Hasegawa He111P kit for the G variant with the DB600 series inline engines, and the He111C from Roden along with the same Hasegawa kit for the L version, which also had extensions to the wing made from old Italeri Ju188 BMW801 engine cowlings so as to be able to accept radial engines. In real life, the two L variants were completed as G-variants as well, but were returned to the factory to be retrofitted with BMW132 power plants; the suffix 'L' is considered to be an unofficial designation, indicating that it was not an intended production version that came off the production line in its own right, but rather, was a revision of the variant made from two aicraft removed from service to be refitted. Some sources suggest the 'L' suffix indicated the German word 'luftgekühlte' (air-cooled) in relation to the radial engines.

The first eighteen images are the original L version build photos, along with the only two remaining images of the initially completed G; everything thereafter is current. This includes the smaller details such as the indent to the nosecap of the G, the slightly 'pinched' appearance of the nosecap on the L, the replacement engine cowlings for the L taken from the Do17Z from Airfix and modified as needs be, and the oil paint added into the tyre treads of the Hasegawa wheels to bring out the tread details better.

The photos from the wheels onwards show the model after the application of markings and thereafter, blackwashed prior to a final coat of Future and my homemade satin varnish. It's nice to have these two variants returned to the collection with a relatively easy reworking, almost like seeing old friends again in the best of health after an absence of several years... ;-).

If you feel the need to see more of the work in addition to the photos provided above, then there is also a video on YouTube via this link - I hope you like the models as much as I do, and thanks for taking time to look in.

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29 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Very nice work on these two models, they both look great. That was a lot of extra working converting those. They are very unique.

  2. Excellent work on those conversions, We don't see a radial engined 111 every day - very interesting additions to your collection. I can appreciate all the work you put into this project!

  3. Superb job on both, Paul! Excellent extra works!

  4. Wonderful result on both, Paul @paulh

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