Little Tin Can...1/48 T-70M Soviet Army

January 18, 2025 · in Armor · · 3 · 82


So, let´s start the new year.
First one finished by my dad is this cute T-70M from Mikro Mir. Well, it isn´t Tamigawa but with some attention it turns out ok.
Painted with a selfmixed 4BO, used some tools from the sparesbox because he kit ones were slightly too large for the fenders. Replaced the PE fender to hull struts with plastic stripes, easier to work with. Did some weatheirng with Tamiya and AK stuff.

Build thread here

Model shows a vehicle of the 2nd Belarus Front 1944/45

Reader reactions:

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

3 responses

  1. Beautiful result, Reihard!

  2. Excellent looking armor, Reinhard @grimreaper
    Your dad is doing fantastic work on those tanks as well.

  3. Definitely looks like the stereotypical Great War Soviet tank, all weathered and worn.

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