1/48 Hasegawa Ki-43-I
Decals from Superscale 48-0516, pitot tube from plastic rod and other than that, straight out of the box. Used Vallejo Model Air Aluminum and IJA Dark Green for top and bottom airbrushed with an old Badger 150. Flaps are primer grey underneath and the same IJA Dark Green lightened with some Sky Grey for the flaps on top. Cockpit, wheel wells and combat-flap areas are all Ammo Nakajima Interior Green. Formation lights are Vallejo Model Color Emerald and Burnt Red. Weathered with pastels, washes and chipped with a Prismacolor Silver colored pencil. Aerial is Infini Model 1/48 Aero Black Rigging.
Hope you enjoy and Thank you for letting me share!
Very nice
Excellent Ki-43, Erik!
Love the weathering!
Beautifully done, Erik @erikjameskidd
i'ts so beauty!
Nice Oscar!
G’day Erik (@erikjameskidd),
Nicely done.
Funnily enough, I just bought one of these off a friend today.
You look to have gotten the wing tips attached and blended in cleanly.
The wear looks good, too.
Nice build, Erik, and especially neat painting of the canopy frames. The aluminum looks really good to me. Did you apply a clear coat over it? Congratulations on this striking build!
Incredible job. Lots to learn from here. Thanks for sharing!
Superb Oscar. It's so elegant, you might not know how dangerous it was. Great post!
Great build Erik. Excellent attention to detail on the weathering 👍
Very nice! Has a really worn look to it.