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Ko Lok Kan, Arthur
12 articles

Academy 1/35 M4A3 Sherman Calliope

February 3, 2025 · in Armor · · 10 · 149

This is my take on the Calliope. I'm a Shermanholic and I like Shermans with interesting features.

I've taken time to search for reference for this build. Details omitted by the Academy kit are replaced or recreated. Cheek armor is made with putty. The stowage box at the rear is scratch built with stryene sheet. The T34 rocket is a bit difficult to set on as it's from Italeri and the fit with the turret is quite messy.

Thanks for watching.

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8  Awesome 2  1 

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10 responses

  1. The fuse wires (not sure if that what they are called) are a great touch of detail on this Sherman. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Really nice work done on this Sherman, Arthur @arthurko
    That rocket launcher with its details is done beautifully.

  3. What a great build this is Arthur @arthurko. Well done!

  4. Love the build Arthur 😊 built Monograms screaming mimi many many years ago. You don't get to see many Sherman Calliope kits on line. So thank you for posting 👍

  5. Really great work, Arthur!

  6. Fantabulous. Excellent construction and the color modulation is super realistic. Well done

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