3 articles · 306 karma · 5 friends · active 8 hours, 30 minutes ago

1/48 Hasegawa F4U-5NVMFN-513 "Flying Nightmares"

I finished this kit a few days ago. It was a fairly quick and easy build. I added a Wolfpack resin cockpit, Quickboost resin exhaust & gun barrels, and Brengun resin wheels. The VMFN-513 markings are a mix of custom paint masks and [...]

"And kill MiGs": Zoukei Mura F-4E Phantom

I finished Zoukei Mura's very nice 1/48 F-4E Phantom yesterday. It's a well-engineered and highly detailed kit. The only problems I encountered were self-inflicted by yours truly and his many thumbs. I'm mainly a "jet guy", [...]

Accurate Miniatures 1/48 PBJ-1D Mitchell: VMB-433, Solomon Islands, 1944

This was sitting in my stash for many years before I decided to get started on it last year. I was driven to action after my son in the USMC sent me some photos of the PBJ in the SoCal CAF collection. Mitchells look good in blue! I used [...]