4 articles · 265 karma · 2 friends · active 51 minutes ago

I am a modeler "for the shelf". Like many i left the hobby and came back after schooling and starting a career and family. Almost exclusively a 1:48 scale aircraft butcherer.

Beastly Beauty Sword 1:48 EE Lightning 92 Sqn.

This is my 1:48 Sword Lightning T.4 that I recently completed. 92 Sqn. based at Gutersloh Germany. A nice kit to that needs to be built with care. Not a throw it together kit by any means, but I was able to make something that sits [...]

Airfix 1:48 B-57 Canberra

Another 1:48 Airfix Canberra. This one a Martin B-57. Challenge for me was (somewhat) matching tail color to tip tank decals. Close, so close... The black gloss finish accomplished by painting with primer and applying many coats of [...]

1:48 Airfix Canberra PR.9

Airfix pr.9 Canberra is a pretty kit. Panel line a bit heavy but overall I like the shape and fit. Used Hataka acrylics which for me went down okay over a black primer. I did thin with a retarder. Build as it came out of the box, piece [...]

V-bombers - 1:72 Airfix Valiant and Vulcan

Hi all. Been lurking for quite a while, enjoying all the builds and stories. Been intimidated by the quality, but have decided to post some of my builds. I categorize my builds by series - series one thru three. Series one, which I [...]