11 articles · 11.3K karma · 55 friends · active 6 days, 18 hours ago

I returned to modelling after a break of many years. Most of my recent efforts have been spent in developing new (and old!) skills and techniques for just about everything ! Models - mainly aircraft but some armour and ships. Since coming back to modelling, projects have been mainly nostalgic a mix of Monogram Revell and Airfix - all scales, but gradually moving to more modern kits.

I am a member of Ipms Harrow/Barnet.

Married and living in North London. Two married daughters - one cat - three grandchildren ( including twins)!

Cheers Everyone!


1/72 Revell Hurricane IIthe very beginning

Hello All, Just to say how much I have enjoyed the work posted on the site over the months and being part of the community. After 35 years away from the hobby I picked this kit up at East Kent Models in Whitstable while on holiday, It was [...]