1 articles · 175 karma · 1 friends · active 4 days, 1 hour ago

I have had an interest in aviation from an early age, stimulated by my Uncle who was an engineer with BEA at Heathrow back in the 60/70s. I have been modelling on and off for most of my life but have been able to devote more time since retirement .
Main interests are aircraft form WW2 to the present, principally in 1/48 but also 1/72 and 1/144,depending in the size of the subject . I also stray into armor and space/Si-Fi occasionally.

Arma Hobby 1/48 Hurricane IIc

Built OOB there is not much to add to what has already said about this kit. This the first issue of the kit but as I wanted to do a SEAC scheme used decals from Xtradecals. Paint used was AK 3G and weathering with 501 oils. Thanks for [...]