5 articles · 450 karma · 2 friends · active 20 hours, 53 minutes ago


I'm Gabor from Hungary. I grew up literally in aviation, no wonder why I got infected instantly with it for a lifetime. I picked up modelling when I was a teenager, and still into it. Surprisingly my favorite subject is aviation, more deeply general aviation, including sports aircrafts and gliders ( not much of them around these days unfortunately ). I chose carreer in aviation as well, been aircraft mechanic, instructor, tow pilot, ga pilot and so on. I do modelling for fun and for recreation, also like to expand my knowledge through reading a lot of history and stories behind a project.

Ju-87B-2 MKHL

Hello everyone, I have recently finished an Airfix Ju-87 Stuka. What to say, it is a nice kit, went together well. I didn't have any difficulties. The only aftermarket set I used was an instrument panel from Yahu. The plane was painted as [...]


Hi all! I've been away for a while due work mostly, but I'm back with a freshly finished good old Tamiya Fw-190 F8 kit painted with hungarian markings. I can't tell too much about the kit, which hasn't been told earlier by other modellers. [...]

Piaggio-Pegna P.c.7

Hello everyone! This time I share with you a subject that is closer to my heart. It is a strange, but beautiful, as a real italian engineering creation. It was develepoed for one reason, to win the well known Schneider Trophy for Italy in [...]

Crippled Corsair

If I have to name one plane that I really love and admire, that would be the F4U Corsair, especially the wartime variants. Actually this plane got me into scale modelling. When I was young, I came across with Revell's antic 1:32 Corsair, [...]

MKHL Bf-109F

Hello everyone, Let me show you my first ever Bf-109 in my first ever article here at imodeler. I always tended to avoid this subject of aviation, since there were and are always endless debates of the exact colors, exact scheme etc. But I [...]