22 articles · 1.6K karma · 11 friends · active 1 year, 7 months ago

Long, long time modeller

Tamiya 32nd Zero.

I’ve been working on Tamiya’s 32nd scale Zero for a few months now. Generally I enjoyed the build but didn’t appreciate the added complication of the working features. I also struggled with getting the front of the fuselage to line [...]

Ferrari F430 Challenge

Fujimi 24th scale kit with modified front end. Splitter and dive planes made from plastic card and Miliput. Eduard etch belts. Thanks for looking, Rob.

iModeler September Awards

Thank you martin and everyone at iModeler. My Random Award Eduard kit arrived this morning and its a cracker. I have a confession; I have never built a 48th scale Spit so I'm looking forward to breaking my duck with this beauty. Thanks [...]

100th scale HMS Victory.

After a long break of several years I have restarted my build of Heller's monster! I put about five years of work researching and scratch building parts including the ships boats. I've put some time in over the past week making scratch [...]

35th Scale Zundapp K500

I’ve been tinkering with another long forgotten stash refugee, Vulcan’s Zundapp K500. I made some new cylinder barrels for it and added individual tread blocks because the laminated assembly process wasn’t distinct enough for me. The [...]

Hispano Suiza 8Ab 180hp Roden 32nd scale

As a break from my Mossie build I thought I would "knock" this together, but you know me. The soft detail and vague fitting made me want to see what I could do with it so break out the wire and Evergreen. Quite a lot of the [...]

24th scale Mosquito

I've been away a while having started a new job. I'm building this for a friend and its a good kit, would be great if it wasn't for all the ejector pin marks! I have replaced some of the soft detail in the cockpit and added some scratch [...]

700th scale Ashigara heavy cruiser.

I built this about four years ago. I bought the Fujimi kit with etch as a change of pace from aircraft modelling intending it to be a quick build OOB. Err no, I got totally immersed in the subject and scratch built and bought additional [...]

32nd scale Bugatti 100p

I thought that the aviation enthusiasts would like to see something I worked on last year. I was given a set of castings for one of the desktop models produced by J. Lawson Model Makers. They sell finished examples to raise funds to help [...]

72nd scale Tamiya P51 D with Aries detail set.

I completed this some years ago and remember it was a real squeeze getting everything in including the full depth wheel bays. Rob.