257 articles · 54.2K karma · 57 friends · active 1 day, 15 hours ago
Retired transit worker from NYCT. ,phormer phantom phixer f4j, low tech,low budget modeler. mostly a/c.
As far as I can tell145317 was the last of shorter narrow nosed Phantoms one of eleven development aircraft F4H-1-MC[Block2b]. A new feature was the new AAA-4 infra-red seeker which was below the radome containing the APG-72 radar with its [...]
Like many concepts that appeared in the 1950's the jet powered seaplane fighter came and went. Underpowered, problems with the ski design, and the prototype disintegrating in flight, the Navy stop development in 1955. There was to be a [...]
I recall several modelers building Hellcat drones in the past, this is where they go if they don't get shot down or a stint as a ground target. Looks like there's pieces of a Couger in the photo.
Convairs 990 and earlier 880 were their answer to the 707 and the DC-8. The 990 was considered the fastest nonsupersonic aircraft of its time. Powered by four CJ80523Bs,a civilian version of the J-79. without afterburner, and the addition [...]
It's clear that the movie Top Gun and even Final Countdown became recruiting films for the navy in he eighties, and that F-14 was the star of said films. Because of their claim to fame there are all kinds of quality videos of the F-14 [...]
I found this obscure little movie on the web. This 1950's movie starred Glen Ford as submarine commander involved in early submarine guided missile development. Though the story is fictitious, and a bit boring. In it you get to see V-2's, [...]
I used Hasegawa's C-2 kit, of which the molds go back to the 1972 release JS-080 kit, It's still in their catalog, they have updated it somewhat by adding the leading edge slats. The decals are equally ancient being remnants from [...]
The white bunny scheme was only carried on this F-4 for a few years in the seventies as opposed to the more famous black bunny. Aircraft was white, the markings were gray with no national insignias. I used Tamiyas US Navy insignia white [...]
An aircraft like so many of the 1950's suffered from inadequate powerplant, the J65. Serving with fleet squadrons for about two years, it was more successful with the Blue Angels, where it served for ten years. J-79's were installed in two [...]
This is AMT/Round 2 1970 Ford Galaxie Police car. Decals are from Aftermath graphics. This is the scheme of the cars you'd see up in New York in the sixties and early seventies. The last two photos from that time period show the condition [...]