3 articles · 351 karma · 2 friends · active 10 months ago
I built my first model at four. It was a F6F Hellcat. I think I used an entire tube of glue. I am glad to say, my skills have improved. I built all through my childhood and into early adulthood. Then, family and work took center stage. In 2016, my wife and I purchased a home with a large utility room.
My wife suggested I build models again. That was all it took! I was off and building again. I have built well over one hundred models since 2016, Building is a great stress relief for me.
I will never be a "master modeler", but my skills continue to grow and groups like iModeler are an important part of my quest to better my skills.
I would like to give a special shout out to Rick (The Pope) for telling me about this great site.
I am an airplane guy. I joined a group build that had as its theme motor sports. I had picked up this Tamiya kit a few months ago with the intent of giving it a Japanese fighter feel.
The main color is IJN Dark Green. I shot the hood in [...]
When I was a kid, my nextdoor neighbor, several years my elder, went into the Navy. He wound up in the Riverine force. He was on either a Swift or a PBR.
When Tamiya came out with their PBR, I jumped at the chance to build it. I thought [...]
I recently completed Trumpeter's F9F-3 Panther for a Korean War group build. The kit was built out of the box. No add on accessories. The fit was not too bad. There were a couple seams that needed addressed. Just another day at the bench, [...]