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Nicely painted, Allan @kalamazoo
Great painting, my friend @kalamazoo!
Thanks my friends, John and Spiros, not great, but it will do, ---------- a touch up of paint here and there and the wings on.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
All looking great there, my friend @kalamazoo!
Looks perfect from here, Allan @kalamazoo
My friends, Spiros and John, I know you're lying but thanks anyway !
Try semi gloss coat over this places.
Thanks capt. R, a coat of Pledge improves the look, ----------- tail planes on, canopy frames cleaned up and Pledge !
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Vertical stabilizers on with supports to hold them in place !
Nice work on the vertical stabilizers, Allan @kalamazoo
Excellent progress, my friend @kalamazoo! Pledge indeed improved the looks!
Thanks my friends, John and Spiros, --------- masking on to paint the bomb bay and the wing spars that I neglected to do before adding the wings !
Excellent masking, Allan @kalamazoo That should be sufficient to keep the rest clean while painting the bomb bay.
Indeed, superb masking, my friend @kalamazoo!
Thanks my friends, John and Spiros, ----------- came up OK, difficult to get into the undercarriage bays, can't see them anyway !