B-24D "The Blue Streak", Bond Tour Veteran, Monogram 1/48th

Started by Walt · 221 · 5 months ago · 376th Bomb Group, 41-11613, B-24, Florine JuJu, Halpro, Halverson Project, Monogram, Ploesti, Teggie Ann, The Blue Streak
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    capt. R said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    Very smooth paiting!

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    Walt said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    I have started painting, practicing on the engine nacelles before I put the cooling flaps on. I only put on one coat, highlighting the panel lines with the base color before spraying the color over the panels themselves. I will be using various blends of three different colors to to create the Olive Drab top. The bottom is going too look pretty cool in the Agressor Blue (FS 35109), with variations with lightening to break it up. I am hoping to make more progress this weekend.

    10 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    Excellent painting results so far, my friend @luftwaffe-birdman!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    Beautiful paintwork, Walt @luftwaffe-birdman
    The panel shading looks great this way.

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    capt. R said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    What OD do You use?

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    Walt said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    Lis, @lis, for this build I am using a combination of OD paints, that you can see in the picture. I will also be using Mr.Hobby, Mr.Color "Middle Stone" C21 for some highlighting and panel shading. I plan on doing as many variations as I can with the OD once I start on it. The picture is just the straight OD's sprayed out over various versions of the bottom color. The initial paint that you see on the engine nacelles is the color on the far left of the picture, C12. I know I will be using loves of the C304 and RC023 for color variation and shading. Lots of light coats.

    I started with the bottom. I have about 5 coats of the Neutral Gray and one coat of the Aggressor Blue so far.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    Fantastic painting so far, my friend @luftwaffe-birdman!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    Nice start on the gray and blue paint, Walt @luftwaffe-birdman

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    Walt said 1 year ago:

    Well the first coat of the "Blue" in "The Blue Streak" is done. I outlined the panel lines and the rivet lines with the base color, which took a lot of time, and then did a splotchy paint of the color over the area. I like the way it looks but it is now showing up well on the pictures. I will spend some time adding layers of various shades of the blue over the weekend. Before I do I will have to clean up some seam lines that popped when I painted them. The seam along the fuselage seam popped out when I had a bulkhead inside the plane release. The plug for the lower turret just isn't clean, it chipped out a bit when I scribed the line in. These will clean up fairly easily.

    7 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year ago:

    Looking excellent, my friend @luftwaffe-birdman!
    Indeed, painting reveals small discrepancies undetected beforehand!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year ago:

    Great progress, Walt @luftwaffe-birdman
    Seems like doable repairs, but not the extra work what you were aiming for.

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    Walt said 1 year ago:

    It may not seem like much difference, but there are actually hours of work in the pictures you see. I touched up the seams, and then did some more post shading with the blue underside of the plane. I can only tell you that the panels have a lot more variation the pictures show, I think it is due to the glare caused by the semi-gloss finish of the paint.

    I have about an hour and half just in painting the panel lines of OD that you can see. Lots of lines, and having to steady my hand and keep the lines focused just takes time. I am using the darker MrHobby #12 for the panel and rivet lines and will then use the MrHobby #304 for the overall finish on the first coat.

    I feel like progress is really happening how that I am adding color to the kit, I know it is just going to take time.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year ago:

    Sone serious pre-shading, Walt @luftwaffe-birdman
    Shading is indeed very difficult to capture nicely on a photo, at least that is also my experience.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year ago:

    Excellent job, my friend @luftwaffe-birdman!

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    Walt said 1 year ago:

    This really has nothing to do with my current build, but it seems the New B-24J from Hobby Boss will be on its way soon. I have it on pre-order and am hoping to see it within the next four weeks or so. Andy's Hobby is who I have my pre-order with, released a video showing the production kit, which he received already. Many won't be happy with the turrets, and it is a shame with all the detail they didn't mold the clear differently. What I did notice was that they molded the nacelles as separate pieces the glue on to the wing. That to me is a very big deal, it may make adding a Privateer down the line a possibility. The engines are not very good, but you don't see much once in the nacelle. The interior looks pretty complete, and it also looks like the improved the shape of the wing over their 1/32nd kit. I am very much looking forward to receiving this kit the molding looks very crisp and damn I will save a ton of time not having to scribe and riveting.

    You can see the box opening and all the sprues, decals and instructions during the video, which is shown here. https://youtu.be/oEY4ubFh-5E