PAF 1586 Special Duty Flight. 80 th Anniversary of Operation Storm Airlift. B-24 Hasegawa.

Started by capt. R · 84 · 5 months ago
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    capt. R said 6 months ago:

    Well, so far I have tried to avoid PAF topics, because they are always connected with some political speculations about the situation in Poland in 1944. Nevertheless, I have been preparing for the design of the Liberator from 1586 SD Flight for many years. Choosing a machine is so difficult that I haven't decided on a specific one yet, although I have a few favorites. As was the case in PAF, Liberators were adapted to the needs of Poles. An example is the fact that the commander of 1586 SD Flight requested to change the noses of the B.VI Liberators to the glazed noses of the early versions. Nevertheless, the work has started and I present the current progress. A few words about Operation Storm. It was cooperation between the partisans and the invading Red Army to liberate the country. For the partisans, it usually ended with disarmament and, at best, incorporation into the "People's" 1st Army of the Polish Army under the aegis of Moscow, and at worst, sending them to Siberia. I will leave this without comment for now. However, both before and during the Warsaw Uprising, flights were made to Kampinos and other large forest complexes where large groups of partisans were operating, who were (in theory) supposed to support the Warsaw Uprising or the actions of the Red Army.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 6 months ago:

    Another excellent entry and solid progress already, my friend @lis!

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    capt. R said 6 months ago:

    Work going on.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 6 months ago:

    A great entry of an interesting topic, Bernard @lis
    Nice parts for the cockpit and landing gear.
    Your work on the interior and crew is fantastic.

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    George R Blair Jr said 6 months ago:

    Cool story and a cool project, Bernard (@lis). Looking forward to the build.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 6 months ago:

    Excellent job on the interior, my friend @lis!

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    capt. R said 6 months ago:




    Something special. Bouton Paul Turret from extra eduard set (I need to made extra home-made set of masks). Few years ago I bought two extra sprues from Eduard with extra parts for Hasegawa kit. You can make several optional turrets that are not included in kit. Also extra parts for Maritime Patrol Liverators. At this point I guess what color of turret could be real? I think it could be night or Dark Green. All modifications for RAF was made in Canada, so OD could be not used. What do You think about it? References has no specification for it, and sugest OD, but for me it is unpossible.

    PS. Do You notice differences between glazing nose in D and modified in Canada J version? This glazing looks as was taken from B-24 A? At First I want to make converted mark B.VI but differences in nose glazing are not to big? What do You think about it? For example similar turret (Bouton paul has two type of glazing!) in Night color on Costal Command B-24.

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    George R Blair Jr said 6 months ago:

    Nice work on the turret, Bernard (@lis). I don't know enough about the difference between the different series of B-24s to comment on the framing, but I do know that planes that were modified in other countries often were painted in an "equivalent" color because the US color was often not available. In the photo of the real plane, it looks like the tail skid is propped up on a support. Interesting.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 6 months ago:

    I agree with @gblair 's comments. Upon modifications they would try to match the original paint with whatever was available.

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    capt. R said 6 months ago:


    I think that the empty plane could have landed uncontrollably on the tail skid, so they put a tree stump on it. As for the B-24 glazing. If you see the junction of the glass with the hull in its lower part, you will see that the Mark III has a certain angle, and the modified Mark VI has a straight line of connection.


    I forgot to look in Eduard manual, and they suggest night paint as option.

    PS. Work Going On. I use correct resin front gear doors.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 6 months ago:

    Unfortunately I'm not sure either, Bernard @lis, but I think George @gblair is right about that.
    Your progress on the interior is really nice.

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    capt. R said 6 months ago:

    All drop containers are in their places.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 6 months ago:

    Those drop containers look great, Bernard @lis

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 6 months ago:

    Nice looking containers, my friend @lis!

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    capt. R said 6 months ago:

    Masking, Masking, Masking...