Today was supposed to be the day I started working on the cockpit, but I realized I didn't know enough about Mosquitos to begin. This build presents an interesting problem: The plane in the movie is supposed to be a Mosquito FB Mk VI, but using a Mosquito TT Mk 35 as a stand-in. Cosmetic changes were made to the TT 35 to make it look like a Mk VI. I know that the film crew basically painted over the nose glass, added dummy nose machine guns, and then painted the planes to represent the FB Mk VI. The problem is that I didn't know enough about the Mosquito to make a replica of a Mk 35 that had been dressed up to stand in for a Mk VI. I really like the Mosquito, and I am embarrassed to say that my knowledge about the types of Mosquito was limited to the idea that one had a glass nose, one had a bunch of guns in the nose, and one version had cameras.
Aside from the internet, my library had two books that proved very useful. The first was Mosquito: The Original Multi-Role Aircraft by Graham Simmons and the second was The De Havilland Mosquito: A Comprehensive Guide for the Modeller by Richard Franks. The first reference helped me realize that there were a huge number of variants of the Mosquito. The second reference was very useful because of its diagrams of each version, along with a description of the key features of each version.

1. Chart of the various versions of the Mosquito. I had no idea!
I wanted to first know what the characteristics were for the Mk VI, which was what 633 Squadron was supposedly flying in the movie. This version of the Mosquito had these characteristics:
-Solid gun-nose, with four cannons located in the fuselage below the nose
-Non-bulged bomb bay
-Flat front canopy
-Antenna wire from mast to tail
-Single stage Merlin engines
-Narrow 3 blade props on early version, wide 3 blade paddle props on late versions
-Side entrance hatch to the cockpit
Then I looked at the characteristics of the Mk 35:
-Bulged bomb-bay
-V-shaped front canopy
-2 whip antennas instead of wire and mast
-Dual stage Merlin engines
-Wide 3 blade paddle props
-Cockpit entrance through hatch on bottom of fuselage
-Glass nose, with access to nose compartment under the instrument panel
All of this is important because I know that the movie company made only cosmetic changes to their TT Mk 35s, so many of the characteristics of the Mk 35 would be seen on the movie planes. I went online and found photos to confirm that the movie planes contained all of the characteristics of the Mk 35, along with painted nose glass and fake guns.

1. Bottom hatch on movie plane
2. Painted glass nose

1. Bulges on 3 sides of the canopy. Kit has the parts to do this.
2. Painted side and nose glass

1. Movie poster shows bulged bomb-bay, 2 stage Merlins, canopy bulges, and missing radio mast.
The cool thing about this Airfix kit is they give you a wide variety of extra parts that allow you to build almost any late model Mosquito. There are certainly all of the parts needed to represent the TT Mk 35 in its movie "costume".
I had planned to use the extremely detailed resin cockpit I had, which was designed to fit an Airfix Mk VI, but I quickly discovered it wouldn't work for a TT Mk 35. As it turns out, the TT Mk 35 had an entrance hatch through the bottom of the flight deck, but the resin had a solid floor and a side entrance hatch. In addition, the Mk VI resin had an instrument panel that completely closed off the nose, while the TT Mk 35 had an instrument panel that allowed access to the nose. I think my plan will be to use the kit parts that will build a Mk 35 floor and save the resin for another kit. I don't know if I will be able to use the Eduard photoetch I have, since it is for a Mk VI, or whether I will ask my shaky hands to detail the Airfix cockpit.
Well, the value of research rears its ugly head again. I now feel much better armed to tackle all of the various nuances of this kit. On to the cockpit (again) tomorrow.
8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

1. Gun-nose version with side entrance
2. Glass-nose version with bottom entrance

1. Single stage Merlin
2. Dual stage Merlin

1. Floor for solid nose with side entrance
2. Floor for glass nose with bottom entrance

1. Inst Panel for solid nose
2. Inst panel for glass nose with access to nose

1. Both types of canopies in kit