Hasegawa 1/48 Hawker Typhoon Mk.1b (late) - finished!

Started by Eric Berg · 165 · 1 year ago · Hasegawa, Hawker, Hawker 100th, Typhoon Mk 1B
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    Eric Berg said 2 years ago:

    Back on the Bench

    I've resumed work once again. I'm in the middle of painting the easy stuff first. Wheels, prop and exhausts but I have finished the cockpit and am ready to put the two fuselage halves together. Those fuselage inserts took a lot of sanding and re-scribing. I have to make a decision here. Do I follow the directions and glue the cockpit to one side of the wall and then put the two halves together? Or as some builders suggest, insert the cockpit assembly and front radiator after the fuselage halves are glued together and seams repaired?

    Here's some progress:

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    Eric Berg said 2 years ago:

    Broken Piece

    The port fuselage had a chunk missing where the wind screen goes so I am now repairing that before moving on.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years ago:

    Fantastic cockpit, my friend @eb801! Great remedy for the missing piece as well! In my Typhoon, I joined the fuselage halves, trapping the cockpit and radiator (together with its top front housing) in between. If I recall well, I had no issues there

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    Erik Gjørup said 2 years ago:

    Very nice cockpit. Sounds tempting to install it after sanding and stuff if that is an option.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years ago:

    The cockpit does indeed look great, Eric @eb801
    Good save on the broken, this will not be visible anymore in the end.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 years ago:

    Ditto from me, Eric (@eb801). Cockpit looks great, especially the seat and instrument panel. Nice job on the missing area.

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    Eric Berg said 2 years ago:

    Thanks guys for the comments. @gblair, @johnb, @airbum, @fiveten.

    Two Halves Make a Whole
    Fuselage that is. I decided to take Spiros' recommendation and just followed the instructions and and sandwiched everything together like it said to. Surprisingly the fit was great and assembly easier than I thought it would be as the fuselages halves closed up nicely with almost no gaps. I do need to fill and get rid of the middle seams on the top and bottom and get out the scriber. However, I can see what it would have been just as easy to glue the two halves together minus the radiator and front office assembly and add them later from the open bottom. Having these out of the way would have made the clean up process much easier with less potential damage. I am going to attach a set of Ultracast resin tailplanes while waiting for the seam fillers to cure.

    Here is an odd photo of the fuselage I snapped showing its current state of body work:

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years ago:

    The assembled fuselage looks great, my friend @eb801!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years ago:

    Both halves joined nicely, Eric @eb801

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    Tom Cleaver said 2 years ago:

    Looks like you are making really good progress on this, @eb801.

  • Goin' strong!

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    Eric Berg said 2 years ago:

    Elevator Issue
    I mentioned above I was going to use UltraCast's Typhoon/Tempest Tailplane resin replacements. However to install them requires more surgery than I am willing to do as I found out the hard way. They are much wider than the kit pieces. I'm not sure if Hasegawa's tailplanes are incorrect sizewise or not. But I did notice a raised bulge or hinge that doesn't seem to be accurate at all so I removed it. I also cut the elevators apart so I can lower them.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years ago:

    A good move to keep the kit elevators, my friend @eb801! Who knows what this bulge stood for...

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years ago:

    No idea either what that bulge is, Eric @eb801
    Good idea to cut the elevators, it wil add some more realism.

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    Eric Berg said 2 years ago:

    @fiveten and @johnb -could that bulge have been a counter weight or Hasegawa imagination at work? I’ll see what I can dig up. Nothing in my Squadron Typhoon Reference book either.