1/72 Alouette III - customised to a K-Car

Started by Anthony Ricco · 23 · 2 years ago
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    Anthony Ricco said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    Here is my work on an absolutely dreadful kit, the Heller 1/72 Alouette III. The canopy fit is aweful.
    My dad was part of the Rhodesian bush war and loved the Alo III. the K-car was a gunship conversion fitted with a 20mm MG151 cannon. Inside was the pilot and gunner in the armoured seats and the Fire force commander who sat on a home made armoured seat on the floor in the front. The gun was scratch built for me by a friend and the layout changed to match the K-car.

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    Anthony Ricco said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    Test fitting the Cannon and adding wiring to the controls

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    Anthony Ricco said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    Painting and dirtying up the floor.

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    Anthony Ricco said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    Making some extras, like a fire extinguisher and medical aid bag, then fitting everything, next to a Tamiya paint jar for scale reference.

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    Anthony Ricco said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    And it was all going so well until the canopy... now I don't think its only me because a few people have told me the fit was terrible, but I've never had to fight a kit so hard in my life. I cut out the door for the gun, and trying to get everything into one canopy, it was 3 parts turned out to be pretty Impossible, had to glue, hold for 20 minutes, leave overnight, glue the next little piece, 20 minutes, overnight. Fought this canopy for 4 days. and then...

    Found glue on it - noooooo. I've sanded it back and it's on the inside too, so the canopy is messed.
    My first thoughts, bullet holes in it but I don't know this kit has turned from something I was going all out in to something I now just want to try get done.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    You have done a superb job, my friend @anthonyricco! Pity about the canopy...

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    The interior looks amazing, Anthony @anthonyricco
    Indeed a pity to see the canopy like this after so much work.
    Do you think you can clean it up with polishing the inside as well.

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    Anthony Ricco said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    Thanks Spiros, yeah it's pretty demoralising. Really wanted it to turn out nicely.

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    Anthony Ricco said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    Thanks @johnb, there is no way I can get it off without destroying it, had to use so much glue to get it on in the first place.

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    Allan J Withers said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    Nice mod's Anthony, shame about the clear bits, this is why I mostly use Pledge, check out my posting here.

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    Colin Gomez said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    Hey Anthony @anthonyricco. Some really nice work you were doing here and such an interesting conversion idea. I have had some good experience sanding off the glue damaged surfaces of clear parts. I go through various grits in succession from fine to superfine 450 - 600- 800- 1200 -1500 and then use Novus plastic polish to get the final full clarity back. If you also use a three-surface polishing stick, you can even skip the plastic polish stage. I sometimes have to create specially shaped sanding sticks to get inside crevices (which you might need to get inside the Alouette transparencies. I cut something to shape from wood or styrene and glue the sandpaper to it with cyano glue. Not sure if you want to go through the physical effort of trying this now. Another solution would be to get a second kit and cannibalize the clear parts.

    BTW, I had a glue-spill disaster inside the resin intake of my SH Hawker Tempest recently (not clear parts but just as frustrating sold cast resin. Bought a second kit to try again and then actually fixed the first disaster on the botched kit by refusing to give up, I attacked the gooped-on glue every way I knew how, crafted some new parts and reconstructed all the detail pretty much good as new. Lots of work but worth it. Now I have two Tempests in the works.

    I hope you can get this project done. It would really be nice to see it finished one way or another. Good luck.

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    Anthony Ricco said 2 years, 2 months ago:

    Hey @coling - thanks so much for the encouragement and the ideas there, I have sanded and polished the outside and its pretty clear, there isn't any way to get into the inside of it though unfortunately, short of breaking off the canopy. These canopies are notoriously bad at fitting, and whenever someone thats done one of these HELLer alo's sees my struggles they send their commiserations. haha. Anyway I will push on and finish it, it will have marks on the inside of the canopy, either I make something of it or I just take photos from one side. Haha.

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    Anthony Ricco said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    So I've pushed on with the little Alouette, want to get it done and off my bench.Got all the parts glued one and primed and black based it because I want a really sun beaten look, used prestige/blue tack to mask off the green 'x' camo and ready for paint.

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    Brian Mennenoh said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    @anthonyricco - Honestly amazing work at such a small scale. If possible, you can attempt to make the fogging of the canopy look like it's intentional with some additional weathering and distress. Could make it seem like it belongs there anyway.

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    Anthony Ricco said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Thanks Brian, yeah going to try make it look like bullet holes. The best I can try do. Thanks for the compliments.