A quick update with more detail painting for the interior. I wanted to better illustrate the steps I took to layer on colors and elements to what I hope is best effect. First, I did the basic interior (cabin and cockpit color in Tamiya XF-54 Dark Sea Grey lightened with Flat White). This was, again, as per multiple photos of the real AH-7, ignoring Airfix call-outs.

1. I did some touch-ups on the cbin padding with Tamiya Khaki Drab.
Next up, the armored seats needed multiple colors for the seat, various cushions and survival pack. I airbrushed the flat yellow and red orange components and will hand-paint the green seat pan cushion on top of that. The molded-on seat belt will be sanded off for scratch versions in plastic, etch and paper. For now, I have just placed the pieces without glue to see how they will look. I went for a slightly faded look to the red-orange back cushion seen in Afghanistan serving Lynxes- this is authentic from photos.

1. This is the cushion color I was going for.
The more reddish color in other photos and some models looks a bit uglier as far as color harmony goes. A balance of accuracy and aesthetics, then.

1. Some smaller part will be added later when seat harness detail is finished.
2. Instrument panel coaming painted before Eduard etch added

1. Basic kit seat parts dry-fitted to check colors and fit.
2. Oil wash brings out detail overall
3. I will trim at the base to reduce the height of the cushion - the harness has to fit over top and the cushion should be flush with the back of the seat.
After that, I sprayed a layer of Tamiya clear on the Sea Grey floor parts and seat bases and then did an oil pin wash for detailing.
Lastly I masked the blue canvas backrests for the seat and sprayed the tubing same sea grey mix as the rest of the interior.

1. Seats masked to spray tubing Sea Grey
2. Seat mounts, to be washed with oil solution to bring our nice detail.
The photos show how the separately crafted and painted "canvas" seat components fit over the re-sculpted kit part so that the canvas looks closer to scale thickness.

1. Separate canvas seat structure from super thin styrene sheet cut and bent into shape.
2. Seat tubing with corners carved out and thinned for application of separate covers. Painted Sea Grey.

1. How seats will look when finally assembled - dry fitted now. I will do a matt coat to reduce gloss of Tamiya Blue X-4.
I need to hand paint some of the tubing in the back portion of the seat structure before attaching the seat belts. The next work will be to actually make the seat belts and harnesses for the cabin and cockpit. Probably at least a day's work there.
That's it for now. I hope this is worth posting. It was a fair amount of work, though easily summarized.