I started painting today. I want to try to replicate the T-6 in the photo, including the worn and weathered paint and the new replacement wing. I wanted to try a bunch of different techniques I decided to star with the lightest color first, and then add the darker blotches after.
I added the wing walk areas first, using a black/gray AK Real Color. I then added some sun-faded areas using a light gray with a touch of tan to match the patterns in my reference photo.
The base color I used is AK Real Color's USN Blue/Gray, which is a fairly light color. This color is a good match for the faded color in the photo. I masked the left wing, which will be a much darker color. Not much of the pre-shading survived, so I will fix that later.
I wanted to try a little shadowing to indicate the fabric areas of the control surfaces. I cut 1mm strips of tape to block out the rib pattern on the control surfaces. I then sprayed on a slightly darkened mix of the base color. I did the same on the rudder using a darkened gray. I have never tried this before and I like the way it came out.
I mixed 3 Tamiya colors to create the darker blue/gray shade in the photo. I thinned it about 50% with Tamiya Lacquer Thinner. I slowly built up the darker patterns that I can see in the photo. I also wanted to try a technique to add some blotchy, sun-damaged paint. I sprayed this dark mix through a paint mask made by AK that is basically just irregular blobs. The contrast between the light base color and the dark blobs was way too much, so I mixed a really thin (20% paint, 80% thinner) mixture of a slightly darkened base cofor, and used it to blend the blobs and base color together. I like the effect, so far. I did make the mistake of masking the control surface so that I could preserve the frames, but it is way too stark. I will fix that later.
I want to wait till tomorrow to evaluate my progress. I still need to do the left wing with its new, clean paint. Then I want to seal everything under a clear semi-gloss that will protect the paint from the weathering steps that will follow.
The only negative thing that happened today was I managed to break off the pitot tube. It survived for two weeks. I managed to find it and I will reattach it at the end.
Cheers everyone.
11 attached images. Click to enlarge.