Some 1/35 shelf scrapings

Started by Mark P Hartig · 85 · 2 years ago · 1/35, Axis, WW II
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    Mark P Hartig said 3 years ago:

    As I'm waiting for some aircraft goodies to show up at the mailbox I've decided to reduce the know, the one we all have where the unfinished stuff goes to hibernate. Therefore, here's a bunch of junk I'll try to stir into one pot.

    Ha! Back to my beloved tanks, no telling where this is gonna end up

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years ago:

    Interesting pieces, Mark @markh
    What are those metal parts on the toothpicks, are those being used to stick parts on for painting.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years ago:

    Reducing the stash/shelf of doom is a most pleasant modeling activity, my friend @markh!
    Looking great so far!

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    Mark P Hartig said 3 years ago:

    JB the metal looking parts are actually plastic cans from the Tamiya Field Kitchen that have been painted Alcad stainless steel.

    Spiros I have to do something as space is getting tight

    Yes this is quite the conglomeration, with a bit of good fortune I'll be able to make something sensible out of it all

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years ago:

    @markh, meaning the metal paint effect is very realistic, I realy thought they were metal pieces.

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    Mark P Hartig said 3 years ago:

    Right then, the old Tammy kit proved to be way basic, much more than I'd remebered from when I last built it about thirty years ago. With so may other and better choices I decided to scrap the Tammy and go with the Border Models (which looks suspiciously like a Takom molding) Panzer IV F2/G which I'll build as an F2 and finish in panzer grey, keeping things in the spirit of earlier in the war. It looks like it'll be sort of a fiddly beast but it'll still take less time than adding all the missing detail to the ancient Tammy kit.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years ago:

    Looking forward to this, Mark @markh
    Never heard about 'Border' before.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years ago:

    Looks great in the box, my friend @markh!

    As a side note, isn't it interesting when we revisit older/classic kits and realize how much modeling has "advanced"? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE building old kits, maybe more than newer ones, but have to accept that things " move forward".

    Regarding the Border molds, I wouldn't be surprised to discover that they might be "legalized" copies (whatever that means...) of the Takom ones...

    Looking forward to your progress!

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    Mark P Hartig said 3 years ago:

    JB Border is one of those companies that has come onboard very recently

    Spiros it also makes me wonder just how bad the stuff from the sixties was before Tamyia got popular, been so long I've forgotten

    I have the hull of the Border offering almost complete. Very thin plastic that's somwhat soft, easy to sand/file/carve and reacts wonderfully with LPC. Molding is sharp and detail abounds. The major hull components are a bit fiddly to assemble, for instance the roof took about an hour and a half to fit but everything else has gone very well. The suspension will even articulate a few degrees if care is taken with gluing. F2 and earlier MK IV's had a step on the left fender that Border gives you in a ridiculous PE format. I hate PE with the intensity of the sun so the old Tammy kit came to the rescue with a plastic step that was thinned down. Roadwheels are well molded but carry an unnaturally sharp outer edge and benefit from sanding and a swipe or two from a hobby knife, an operation eased considerably by the softer plastic.

    Border takes a novel approach to the two in one problem with the turret as F2 and earlier models had vision ports in the hull sides while the G and later did not, see the last picture. Overall this has been quite enjoyable to work with and I think it'll build up well

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 12 months ago:

    Solid progress, my friend @markh! This is a superb build!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 12 months ago:

    Great progress, Mark @markh
    Border sounds like a very promissing new competitor.

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    Mark P Hartig said 2 years, 12 months ago:

    Thanks Blokes

    So my final verdict is in on the Border kit.
    The good :
    Excellent sharp mold quality
    Very nice detail and alot of it
    Suspension will articulate if assembled with care
    Softer plastic which makes everything much easier to work with
    Very fine almost invisible mold lines

    The bad :
    Fit in the hull is fiddly have your file handy
    If you use the metal barrel be prepared for a struggle and have you pliers handy
    Fit of the turret components is kind of skeechy you'll need your putty

    I'd have to be in a mean, nasty mood to reccomend this to a beginner but if one has a bit of experience the mousetraps present are annoying but curable. I'd originally planned to have the turret doors open and scratch a "thru the hatch" interior but the failure of the main gun to play nice killed the idea so closed they will be. Looking at the turret shows some putty work and where more is needed. I'll be able to reduce the gaps on the face with some glue/clamp action but it'll still need putty in spots.

    I have a set of Fruils laying about so I assembled a short run by way of a test and they fit just fine so I'll be using these instead of the kit's length and link tracks. This will allow me to display an articulated suspension on the base which takes the sting out of my failed interior plans. Primer and paint soon

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 12 months ago:

    Although there are some bad issues to be solved, you are making excellent progress, Mark @markh

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 12 months ago:

    Excellent progress indeed, my friend @markh!
    Thanks for all the kit info!

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    Mark P Hartig said 2 years, 12 months ago:

    Thanks gents

    JB this had not been as problematic as some, let's say the old Dragon Imperial kits

    Spiros you're quite welcome

    A short time ago I discovered Tamiya extra thin quick dry LPC and the swift drying time of this has sped my builds up considerably.

    Model assembled and primer on. Most of the time I'll use grey overall and then give it a couple passes of white from directly overhead, which is about as far as I bother with preshading. Should be able to basecoat tomorrow.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.