Missing Assembly Instructions! Help needed!

Started by Adolfo Coelho · 10 · 6 years ago
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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:


    After finishing my 1931 R-R Phaeton, I looked into my large cardbox to check what other automobiles I had there for building.
    Among others I found two old "Gabriel" metal kits and decided to open the boxes and see if I'd build another automobile. I picked a 1932 Chevrolet Coupe, checked for the parts, and noticed I had already cleaned the metal parts (even painted part of the roof) so decided it was a good one to build next.
    I then noticed that the Assembly Instructions was missing on the box. Checked a dossier where I keep old manuals, instructions sheets, etc (even for most of the kits I've already built many moons ago), but couldn't find it!

    Checked a second metal kit box, another "Gabriel" made model, a Station Wagon. To my surprise there was no Assembly Instructions whatsoever in that box neither! Nor on my dossier with lots of other Assembly Instructions!

    So, I'm missing two Assembly Instructions for these two models!

    Has anyone here ever built these models (or not but still having them), and would have these Assembly Instructions?
    If so, would it be possible to scan them and email them to me?

    Or does anyone know where online I could find some site for perhaps downloading these Instructions? I did some research and found a site with some Assembly Instructions for downloading, including a couple for "Gabriel" models, but unfortunatelly not the right ones for these two!

    Apparently "Gabriel" is now called "Hubley". Or, from what I got, "Hubley" manufactured these car models under the brand "Gabriel".

    My 1932 Chevrolet Coupe (Nº: 4859) is this one shown on this eBay add:


    My Station Wagon (Nº: 4858) is this one on this other eBay add:


    I'll keep looking online, but have little hope I'll find these two!




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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 4 months ago:

    No one?...



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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 2 months ago:


    No one?!...



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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 2 months ago:

    HEY 'Dolf! @dolfdylan
    I found this guy on Scalemates. I THINK he built one of the Chevy Coupes. I didn't contact him (he's in Columbia) but this may be how you could see if he still has instructions.

    MSN: [email protected]
    Facebook: Felipe Posada
    Twitter: Felipe Posada

    I'll see about the other kit you posted on E-bay too.


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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 2 months ago:

    Hello again, mi amigo!

    I'm sorry, I couldn't find out anything (or anyone with one) about the other kit - the Station Wagon. There are at least 8 for sale on Evil Bay. (We call it Evil because it's soooooo easy to spend too much money there!)



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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 2 months ago:

    Hi Jeff (@mikegolf) !

    Many thanks.

    I don't have FB, nor Twitter 🙁

    What's MSN? The old MSN that in some parts of the world was finished some years ago, and all those in there had to join Skype (keeping the same contacts on the former MSN) ?

    Felipe Posada looks like a name that could be Portuguse... or Brasilian, or Hispanic...

    What I've done so far is that I provided all the links for adds on eBay, for both cars currently for sale there to an American friend who is on eBay (I was long ago, not anymore) asking him to contact them all. Even supplied a short text that he could use, just copy & paste it, for him to send to all those sellers/dealers...

    I haven't heard from him for a couple of weeks now, apart from a non-related email received today, where he mentions that he has been having problems with his hands and hasn't contacted those people yet.
    Guess I'll have to wait and see.

    I also found a site of a guy who uploads online some old assembling instructions like some for the same kind of cars, sadly he doesn't have none for these two available...

    Thanks again!



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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 2 months ago:

    Hello, mi Amigo!
    Felipe is a professional man (an engineer, if I remember) who lives in Columbia - where 95% of the illegal drugs in America come from! Of course, I doubt Sr. Posado is with the drug trade! Ha!
    I will try to contact him for you, but I don't have twitter & I don't use FaceBook (FB) much, but I can and will for you. IF I can contact him, may I give him your address so if he still has the instructions and can send them or a copy to you he can send them to you? If so, I'll need your address.
    MSN is the old MicroSoft Network. I'm not familiar with it, I just know it exists.

    I really hope we can get this done! As I said, this is only about the '32 Chevy - NOT the station wagon.

    Take care

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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 2 months ago:

    Hi Jeff (@mikegolf) !

    Thanks a lot!

    All he needs to do is scan his assembling instructions and email them, either to you or to me.
    This way no need to spend time & money on letters.

    Yes, I know you only mentioned the 32 Chevy, not the Station Wagon 😉

    Again many thanks my friend!



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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 2 months ago:


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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 2 months ago:

    Thank you Jeff (@mikegolf) !

