Bert, if you want to listen advices from a guy that has broken resin parts (several times!) when cutting them of the mould plugs, then here are my two cents:
-For those delicate parts, often the smallest in the set, use a brand new scalpel blade and gently create a thin line just below the part until it’s sufficiently thin to snap it without harm. Looking at the pic, it seems the all parts in that set have thick gates, too bad because other makers often have them produced with thinner attachment point to ease the cutting part.
- for the bigger and massively cast parts I often use a small hobby saw, and carefully as possible avoid touching the part itself. All it needs after is some medium to fine sanding stick and voilá! In the most extreme resin blocks I also reach out for my dremel tool and fill the bench with a lot of resin dust...nasty business, always ventilate the room and use a breathing mask.