Thanks for stopping by George (@gblair), Spiros (@fiveten), and John (@johnb).
SO to be clear on a few things I wasn't clear enough on in the first post. The photos of the partially built Hawk are from a few years ago when I converted the Hobbycraft Hawk 75 kit to have a more accurate cowling.That kit has been built and resides in my display case. The current project is to use the Clear Prop Hawk 75 (fixed gear) kit as the basis for the RAF Mohawk. The Mohawk has the same engine and cowling as the Hawk 75 but has retractable gear.So I will use the gear wells from the Wolfpack boxing of the Academy kit (and whatever else might be useful) to modify the Clear Prop kit so that it has retractable landing gear.
I knew that the Wolfpack P-36A kit was a reboxing of the Hobbycraft / Academy model and would have preferred to buy the Hobbycraft P-36A kit for this conversion (as it is cheaper),. However, at the time, I could not locate one , so I ended up purchasing this. I tried to justify the extra cost to myself by telling myself that I could use the entire wing from the Wolfpack kit. But really, I just spent too much on it and should have kept looking for the HC kit.
And as I mentioned, the Clear Prop kit is so nice that I will use most of it for this project, only cutting the wheel wells from the WP kit wings and grafting them into the Clear Prop wing to get the retractable gear. This avoids having to do a more difficult conversion on the WP kit to change the cowling like I did previously.
Anyway, if that was already clear to you guys before, I apologize for the wordiness and repeat explanation.
As an aside, I also use Scalemates for research before buying a model, but sometimes I let my emotions (desire to have something) overrule my logic (wait until I can find something cheaper to use). 🙂