Revell 1/32 Bristol Beaufighter - Lost Cause?

Started by Greg Fabian · 54 · 1 month ago · 1:32 Scale, Beaufighter, Revell
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    Greg Fabian said 3 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Time for an update on my Beaufighter project. Work has focused on a couple of areas. I cleaned-up the ports for the 20 mm cannons and did some etching (which may be hard to see in the picture below) of lines to show the panels providing access to the canons from the belly. I also carved out the shell ejector ports which aren't present on the model.

    I've spent a lot of time thinking about how to detail the main landing gear. In an earlier post, I included a picture of a Beaufighter undergoing restoration showing the main gear and its attachment to the forward wing spar. I attempted to duplicate this using various thicknesses of plastic sheeting. It doesn't look too bad.

    The struts are a little thicker than scale, but this is a test run and the finished product may use thinner struts. Surprisingly, the struts felt as if they could support the weight of the model. We will have to see.

    After trying a couple of different approaches, I decided the best way to proceed with the main gear attachment to the "airframe" was to scratch-build a main spar in either wing. The "spar" will serve as the attachment point for the landing gear pieces. I'll add some more support inside to wing to ensure the spar doesn't twist, perhaps even doubling-up on the most visible part of it.

    I'm having a lot of fun doing this because it's like putting a three dimensional puzzle together. I'm going to focus no fleshing out the wheel bays and firewalls before I move on to etching the wings prior to assembly.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Fantastic job, my friend @gwfabian! What a departure from the simplistic original!

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    Michael Ezat said 3 months, 2 weeks ago:

    You have taken your subject very seriously ! Keep on please .

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 months, 2 weeks ago:

    This is going to be a big improvement, Greg @gwfabian

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    Carl Smoot said 3 months, 2 weeks ago:

    I love it. This is a great way to enjoy modeling, improving older kits. So much to learn when you do this and it gives you great practice for future builds. Looking great so far Greg (@gwfabian)!

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 months, 2 weeks ago:

    You are right, Greg (@gwfabian), it certainly looks like your added struts will have no problem supporting the plane. Well done.

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    Greg Fabian said 2 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Work continues on the Beau. It's a slow slog, but I'm spending an hour or two at most during each session. I could easily bury myself in this project, but I'm finding that I really enjoy the fabrication process, so I'm not in a hurry to finish.

    I've spent time on converting the raised panel lines to recessed panel lines and etching some additional exterior surface detail. I recently purchased some new Evergreen square tubing that I'm for the undercarriage support pieces. The picture below shows the two primary structural assemblies that tie the landing gear to the wing spars. I used a combination of styrene sheet, square tube and dowel to build these from scratch.

    Wanting to see how things were shaping up, I decided to glue one assembly to a main spar and try it on for size in an engine nacelle. It doesn't look too bad here.

    While the assembly itself may be a little larger than scale, I'm hoping that by the time I add the various and (seemingly excessive) cross-braces and the observer will be so overwhelmed with detail that they won't notice.

    Next steps are to install the aforementioned cross braces and then fabricate and install the firewalls.

    After that, it's time to detail out the landing gear bays in the engine nacelles.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Excellent job so far, my friend @gwfabian! These fabricated parts look really great!

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 months, 3 weeks ago:

    The amount of scratchbuilding in this build has been amazing, Greg (@gwfabian), but I think it will really create a one-of-a-kind model in the end.

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    Michael Ezat said 2 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Porfect scratching parts Greg ! You will transform it into a true masterpiece, continue with the same passion.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Those landing gear structures do look very nice, Greg @gwfabian
    Excellent scratch building.

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    Greg Fabian said 2 months ago:

    Time for a quick update on the 'Beau.

    Work continues on the main landing gear. After a lot of fiddling, I managed to fabricate and glue the main support pieces to the spars. I didn't like the way the port assembly looked, so I discarded it and made a new one. Funny how the first ones took several sessions to fabricate while the latest consumed about 35 minutes.

    Before I discarded the support assembly, I pulled on the various parts to determine how strong it was and if there was a good chance of it supporting the model. I can report it seemed very sturdy, despite the lack of metal parts. I'll attribute a lot of that to the Bristol engineers who designed the undercarriage who, undoubtedly, never expected someone to implement their design in plastic.

    At the risk of getting a little too far ahead of myself, I began thinking about how I'm going to attach the landing gear struts to the assembly. There is an aftermarket metal set, but I want to see if I can use what came in the box before I go down that road. The first order of business was to reduce the height of the struts as OOTB (out of the box) struts are too tall. The first picture shows a strut on its sprue and the second after I took my razor saw to it.

    In the meantime, I ordered and received a set of 1/32 scale HVAR rockets made by Special Hobby for their Hawker Tempest kit. With some minor fixing, I should be able to covert it over to the Beau. I was getting worried as I was having difficulty locating some, but I stumbled upon a set while perusing a hobby shop site.

    The next part that looks like it will be hard to come by is a Browning .303 MG to mount in the observer's station. If I can't find one, I'll do without. I'm not sure how effective that gun was in reality since it seems as if the gunner is more likely to shoot his ship's tail off before hitting an enemy plane.

    My focus at this point is to complete the interiors of the engine nacelles. Thanks for stopping by!

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    Greg Fabian said 2 months ago:

    Thanks, Sprios (@fiveten) my goal is for the rest of the model to look so good that they won't notice the additional stuff that I'm adding.

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    Greg Fabian said 2 months ago:

    Thanks, George (@gblair). I still have quite a ways to go. With my luck, by the time finish this project (or given up and binned it), a company will have come out with the definitive 1/32 Beaufighter kit.

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    Greg Fabian said 2 months ago:

    Thanks, Mike (@faraomike). I'll be satisfied if my scratch building reaches the "good enough" level!