Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero, Tamiya 1/48

Started by Erik Gjørup · 60 · 2 months ago · 1/48, A6M2, Mitsubishi, quarterscale, Tamiya, Zeke, Zero
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    Erik Gjørup said 2 years, 10 months ago:

    Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero

    having started a Rufe, it seemed logical to make a Zero while I was at it

    I have previously added a few Tamiya A6’s to the stash, and while they are nice (and cheap) kits, they have a few shortcomings, like raised panel-lines. The new offerings from eduard simply are loaded with surfacedetail. When I got the Rufe going (check it out here: I also got this one launched, and a friendly fellow iModeler suggested to get this one its own home here.

    Nice standard Tamiya boxing

    One thing to address as walt did in his rufe is the openings in front of the firewall.

    And then on to making the panels look better.

    The raised panellines are perfect to make the overlapping panels of the Zero. Eduard made theirs as if they were flush, but that is actually not correct in my humble opinion. To make the effect I taped the “low” or underlying panels.

    next up (has been done – just catching up here) some primer and tape removed

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    Erik Gjørup said 2 years, 10 months ago:

    masks off

    with the fuselage primed a few times, the tape came off

    With the tape off it looks awful!

    But sanding followed.

    And after sanding and a full round of primer it looks more realistic

    At least that is what I think. For the next one of these (yep – I may have another one comin’) I think I will prime it all-black first to kind of pre-shade the overlaps, making them stand out a bit more – and likely look like some dirt and grime has collected at the overlaps.

    With this post, it is where I’m at the moment. Next up most likely some interior?

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 10 months ago:

    A great entry and great progress, my friend @airbum!
    Looks like a nice, solid kit.
    P.S. Oh, my! Yet another non-109... from the 109-man... 🙂

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 10 months ago:

    The trick looks very promissing, Erik @airbum
    And I'm very surprised as well to see so many non-109's on your bench.

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    Erik Gjørup said 2 years, 10 months ago:

    Thank you folks - @fiveten and @johnb. I did make a lame connection between the zero-family and the 109 over in the rufe build - at least that is my story, and I will stick to it 🙂

    As for other non-109's the nanzan has a DB engine, just like the 109's, and more connections just like these can be made on other airplanes, so watch this space for future weird connections. . . .

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    Erik Gjørup said 2 years, 8 months ago:

    Looking like a replay

    of the Rufe that is – most likely because they get the same treatments

    And so, the cowlflaps gets thinned

    I like that!

    lets check again

    Oh yes – looks a lot better

    The cockpit innards has been added too.

    The eagle-eyed will have noticed that the Zero seat is up higher than the Rufe. In order to get you guys thinking, let me have your explanation on this!

    next up I shall check if anyone gets it right – exciting, isn’t it

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 8 months ago:

    Thinning of the cowling flaps does look indeed much better, Erik @airbum
    To be honost, I cannot think of a reason why a Zero would have its seat placed slightly higher, or is it because of the gunsight?

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 8 months ago:

    The thinned cowling looks superb, my friend @airbum! For the seat heights may I assume different adjusting lever positions?

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    Erik Gjørup said 2 years, 8 months ago:

    @johnb and @fiveten, thanks for the observation on the cowlflaps.

    The seats are indeed adjustable in the Zero and the Rufe (as in almost every aircraft built), but why do you think the Rufe is in the relatively low and the Zero in the relatively high position? I know it is a bit cryptical, but I can tell that the thinking behind them both in this instance is that they have landed and are handed over to maintenance - as usual, nothing special - for preparation for their next flight.

    Hope this explanation may help? (did I mention I like these AM resin seats a lot - quite a difference)

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    Louis Gardner said 2 years, 8 months ago:

    Erik, @airbum
    I honestly don't know why the seat positions are different, but I have seen several photos that show a Zero taxiing, with the pilot appearing as if he was standing up, looking out over the engine. Your thoughts sound logical to me.

    As far as thinning the cowlings and installing the cockpits, both areas are looking excellent, and I am looking forward to another update when it is possible. The aftermarket seats are a huge improvement over the box stock plastic ones. I have been sanding mine down so they are thin, and I also drilled out the lightening holes. Even though I have done that to the Zero's in the "kindergarten", mine do not look nearly as nice as the ones you have shown us here.

    I will definitely be stealing your idea about thinning the trailing edges of the cowlings. It's a marvelous improvement.

    Keep it going my friend ! 🙂

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    Erik Gjørup said 2 years, 8 months ago:

    @johnb, @fiveten and @lgardner, thank you for all the comments. To clarify, the seat on a Zero will be in the high position for take-off and landing to enable the pilot to look out the windows as it is a taildragger. The Rufe on the other hand sits level when taxiing and a lot of water will enter an open cockpit, so really there is no need to sit up high. It is a possibility though, and as people tend to be of different height some may want it lower than others to simply stay clear of the hood.

    Adjusting for taxi.

    As mentioned I have placed the seat a bit high in the Zero

    as I build a Rufe at the same time, here you have a few pictures of that one being dryassembled.

    You see the seatback is more or less level with the frame

    whereas the zero taxi and sit with the tail low, and to enable some vision the seat is high

    As it is needed high for taxiing out it is often left in the raised position after landing.

    next up I hope to get some subassemblies done perhaps some assembly and perhaps even more priming? Tune in to check!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 8 months ago:

    Sounds very plausible, Erik @airbum
    The Rufe looks great on the floats.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 8 months ago:

    Loved all the "tail height" details, my friend @airbum!

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    Erik Gjørup said 2 years, 7 months ago:

    @johnb and @fiveten, thanks for continued support – appreciated! Now a somewhat “out of sequence” update to follow below:


    Well, subassemblies have to wait – I decided it was time for some decals instead.

    OK, it is rivet-decals, but they need to be added before paint, and today I just felt like trying these “Wet-transfer” decals for the first time

    I think the carrier film as well as the rivets can be seen inbetween the two pictures (one with, one without flash). They now need to dry for at least 6 hours before I attempt to remove the film.

    As these take a lot of time I think that I may be able to get them all done in a week or two, and THEN it ought to be time for some more assembly

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 7 months ago:

    Never seen this way of 'rivetting' before, Erik @airbum
    Looking forward to the outcome after removing the film.