1/35 Garford-Putilov Armoured Car - Copperstate Models

Started by George R Blair Jr · 153 · 1 week ago · 1/35, armoured car, Copperstate Models, Garford-Putilov Armoured Car, russian, ww1
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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month ago:

    Got the frame done today. I plan to spray the unpainted areas with black primer tomorrow. Next up on the build will be starting on the interior. It looks like the last thing to be added is the roof in each section, so I can probably paint the interior completely, then add the roofs. Nice design.

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    Louis Gardner said 1 month ago:

    George R Blair Jr (@gblair)
    You are really moving right along on this one ! Looks great too ...

    I use those small mixing cups as well. I have an equal amount of snap on lids to go with the cups. Sometimes I use them for storage of small parts. The cool thing is the lids I have are clear so you can look into the top without having to open them up. This comes in handy quite often, especially when I have an assembly line of the same kind of kit going at once. I can't imagine all of the different ways they can be used.

    The instructions on this armored car look as if they were written by the same company that did the ones for the Wingnut Wings kits They are written out in an almost identical fashion. The lettering font, illustration style and even the color of the instruction booklet is nearly identical.

    Very Cool !

    I am very impressed with your progress. The frame looks like it has a lot of detail. I can't wait to start seeing how the interior shapes up. As far as Russian Armor colors go from the Great War... I don't have a clue.

    I have read that they painted T-34's using what has been described as a "Tractor Green". When they were desperately needed, they weren't even painted ! Instead they left the factory in bare steel, and had women drive them to the front if the fighting was that close.

    I asked my Dad about the colors of the ones he saw. He told me they were all kinds of different greens, and that he had seen them in various places throughout the world. Some had various browns mixed in with the base green color according to dear old Dad. One time I brought my Federal Standards color chip book over to his house, and asked him to pick out the colors that he remembered them being.

    His reply was "There's not enough pages in your book... I have seen them in all kinds of different colors. Your guess is as good as any.", or something along that line. So I didn't even bother with having him look.

    I know the T-34 is from a different era, but I have a feeling the end result would be about the same. I would say pick out a color you like and roll with it. I believe you are right on track with your choices.

    Good eye with catching the "sneak up and gotchya" parts before committing them in place permanently with glue. I would have been removing these parts had I been building it. Hopefully the glue would not have set up just yet.

    I had forgotten these early vehicles used a chain drive system. This goes back to the bicycle days on parts for these horseless carriages.

    Keep it going ! Looking good.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month ago:

    Some very good progress, George @gblair
    Seems indeed like a kit where you need to have a good look before applying glue and mount the parts.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month ago:

    Thanks for stopping by, Louis (@lgardner) and John (@johnb). I never got lids for the plastic cups when I got them, so I use them just like they are. I mix paint and store parts in them. I often let the paint dry inside and then flip them over and use the bottoms as a holder for a few drops of superglue I am using on the model. I can't find anything definitive about the WW1 colors in Russia, so I am going on either a "best guess", or what appeals to me when I mix it. I don't think the color will stray far from WW2 colors.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month ago:

    Excellent progress, my friend @gblair!

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    Carl Smoot said 1 month ago:

    Fine progress George (@gblair). Those gotchas are good catches. It's far too easy to be focused on the task and not pay enough attention to the details. But when you do get it right (and realize it), it makes you a better modeler because you've learned something.

    Given what Louis (@lgardner) said about the T-34 colors, I would think that WWI colors would be all over the map as well. Especially given that the industrial levels in Russia at the time were likely rushed and not too concerned with color matching.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month ago:

    Thanks, Spiros (@fiveten).

    Hi Carl (@clipper). I am more of the sort of modeler who gets it right by accident. But I will take the win anyway. That is my plan for the exterior color. I do think there was a standard paint scheme when the army was under Czarist control, but I think the colors varied a lot in actual use. I plan to mix up some samples and may end up using several of them.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month ago:

    I had a bunch of chores today, so I didn't get much done. I did a little more research on colors, and made a quick color chart using the Tamiya formulas I found online. The colors called out on the color guide for the model call for "green moss" on the exterior, and "dark green" for the 76mm cannon. Not a lot of help.

    I am leaning toward one of the mixes with XF-4 (Yellow Green).


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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month ago:

    A lot of research, George @gblair
    I agree that the XF4 mixtures are suitable for this build.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month ago:

    Indeed, the generic color callouts at the instructions are not that helpful, my friend @gblair, especially the "green moss", which, can be really any shade of green! Nevertheless, I think your approach is excellent.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month ago:

    Hi John (@johnb) and Spiros (@fiveten). I really like the colors that are a mix with XF-4 (Yellow Green). I think it will look good over the black base and it should be easy to vary the tone simply by adjusting the amount of XF-4. I hope to get some more work done today. Cheers

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month ago:

    Did you ever have one of those doctor's appointment where you expected one thing to happen, and something else unexpectedly happened? Well, that was my morning, which led to not much getting done on the model. I did get a little prepainting done, with hopefully more tomorrow.


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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month ago:

    Creating leather look is not that easy, George @gblair
    It is not nice if they find something unexpectedly, but it is better to find it in an early stage, take care.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month ago:

    Solid progress, my friend @gblair!
    Hope all goes well.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month ago:

    Thanks, John (@johnb) and Spiros (@fiveten).