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"iModeler is one awesome place for modelers." @scaledistrict
@j-healy, thanks a lot, John. Getting closer to the moment I worry most, getting those two wings on. @lgardner, thank you, Louis. That's a nice circle cutter you have. Looking forward to see the result of it.
Looks excellent, my friend @johnb!
@fiveten, thanks a lot, Spiros
Decals are on, now it is time to put everything together. First I need to shorten the landing gear by 1/8 of an inch as mentioned by Tom @tcinla
Decals look excellent, my friend @jphnb! Looking forward to your next steps!
Lower wing, well a half one, attached as well as the landing gear. Balancing to let it dry sufficiently before checking if it can hold the weight.
That's looking good, @johnb.
Good progress and excellent looks, my friend @johnb!
@tcinla, thank you, Tom @fiveten, thanks, Spiros
Progressing nicely John.
@johnb , that is looking fantastic. Decals have gone down beautifully!
@firelockg, thank you, Ian. Those multi wing planes are always fragile, lets hope the landing gear is strong enough. @yellow10, thanks a lot, Paul. The decals did cooperate pretty well.
Shaping up really well, John.
I am taking notes, John (@johnb). I will be adding the skinny legs to my triplane soon. The painting you have done on the wings and fuselage looks great.