SPAD X111 !/24 scale ( I love kit )

Started by IAN Convey · 59 · 1 week ago
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    IAN Convey said 2 months ago:

    I have decided to construct this kit as it is by the same Co. as the SE5a that I built in this group. I am not to sure of the accuracy of the kit and foresee many modifications to get it to resemble a proper SPAD X111.

    I have chosen to finish it in the livery of the French ace Rene Fonck of Escadrille SPA.103, who was the ace of aces for the allies in the Great War with a total of 75 enemy aircraft to his credit.

    The kit consists of 5 sprue sheets, a decal sheet and a photo etch sheet. the instruction booklet is quite adequate for assembling the model but lacks painting codes for the minor parts, just have to do some research I guess. There is no engine with the kit , although it would be hidden from view if fitted. There is photo-etch rigging supplied, but I shall rig it with Modelkasten thread and 1/32 Gaspatch turnbuckles as I think it would look more authentic than the photo-etch.

    8 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 months ago:

    Excellent entry, my friend @firelockg! Looks to be a promising kit and the model will be nicely sizable in 1/24. Looking forward to it!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 months ago:

    Looks like a great kit, Ian @firelockg

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    Milan Tesaƙ said 2 months ago:

    So I'm really looking forward to Spad in your design.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 months ago:

    Looking forward to this build, Ian (@firelockg). I like the Spads, and building one in 1/24 should produce a really nice model.

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    IAN Convey said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Spiros, John, Milan and George, thank you gentlemen, I think it will be an interesting kit.

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    IAN Convey said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Progress so far, started with the machine gun mounts as I noticed that the guns did not sit right back in the moulding, so ground plastic away until they did fit. There was no provision for spent cartridge chutes so these were made, then trial fitted,( more plastic removed ), not quite finished or installed as yet, shall do so after the cowling is painted. Also replaced the MG plastic muzzles with some metal tubing. There were no cocking handles on the kit so I made some and fitted after making room in the cowling for them.

    As you can see the cockpit is a work in progress, had to do some research on the instrumentation, so will now finish it off, probably tomorrow as have to take care of family stuff.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Excellent job on both the guns area and cockpit, my friend @firelockg!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Nice work on the MG's and cockpit, Ian @firelockg

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    IAN Convey said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Spiros & John, thank you.

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    IAN Convey said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Pic.1.Cockpit is complete, has internal rigging , but you need to look hard now that it is closed off.

    Pic.2 & 3 . before and after top cowling fitted. All fitted up perfectly. Pic.2 shows the holes that I put in the side cooling panel. This panel will have a metal grill and the frame openings should show thru, the larger one has internal rigging so that was installed as well.

    Pic.4. Hole in bottom of fuselage to be filled and detail added. This bottom panel between the wings needs quite a bit of minor detailing to be done, that's the next job.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Excellent detailing and super looks so far, my friend @firelockg!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Lots of great details, Ian @firelockg

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    David Mills said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Great post Ian, wonderful to see this kit being built! @firelockg

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Great work, Ian (@firelockg). The interior is amazing. It is sad to do all of that amazing work on the interior and then button it up in the fuselage. At least there is no canopy that you have to look through to see the interior.