I checked the plane yesterday and the oils were still tacky. I was getting a little frustrated because there is very little I can do until the oils dry. I decided to take a chance to see if I could move on. Doing things like this when I am frustrated usually ends in catastrophe, but this time, it worked. I decided to spray a layer of Tamiya Flat Clear over the top wing to see if it would result in a dry surface. I sprayed a fairly thick layer of clear over the surface of the wing and let it dry for several hours. Amazingly, the clear was dry to the touch and the upper part of the wing was ready to go back to work. I sprayed some more Tamiya Clear over the rest of the camo and let it dry overnight. This morning it was ready to go.
I wanted to get the markings sprayed onto the various parts of the plane before I started assembling things. I figured it would be easier to use the masks I made before I complicated things with stuff that would require additional masking. I wanted to spray the black markings first. The masks that I had cut on my wife's Brother Scan and Cut seemed to go down perfectly on the model's surface, although I discovered it was difficult to position the markings correctly. Some of the markings took several attempts to get them positioned, but I think they will be OK. I sprayed a thin mix of Tamiya Flat Black at about 15 psi. I tried to keep my airbrush at 90 degrees to the surface to minimize any under-spray. I gave everything about 30 minutes to dry, then I removed the masks. There were a couple of places I will need to fix, but I am happy overall. The worst issue I had is one of the masks pulled up one rib tape, so I will need to fix that tomorrow. I will paint the large fuselage numbers tomorrow, then on to assembly. Yeah.
8 attached images. Click to enlarge.
1. Tamiya Clear Flat sprayed overall
2. The front and back edges of the white area are not parallel in the photos of the real plane.