Unarmed Fokker Dr.1 Trainer: Revell 1/28

Started by George R Blair Jr · 220 · 1 month ago · 1/28, Dr-1, Fokker, Revell, trainer
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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    Hi Carl (@clipper): I have both the thick and thin versions of the glue, but the thin seemed to work the best. I had been using thick CA with accelerator, but the bond is very brittle. The slightest jar on the frame and something pops off. The Gator's has a little flex to it. I am currently getting the inside and outside of the fuselage halves ready to install the cockpit and glue everything together.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    I managed to get the cockpit into the fuselage without breaking anything (so far). I had to sand a little bit of height from the areas that represent the wing spar that goes longitudinally across the bottom of the fuselage. I painted it to look like wood, since I think the wing spars were actually a long plywood box. The fuselage is glued and filler applied to smooth things out.

    I also assembled the wings. The first thing I noticed is that two of them were warped, so I glued the wing halves together and then taped them to the workbench to dry. I let them solidify for 24 hours, and then was gratified to have 3 straight wings. Yeah.

    I also started figuring what I might need to do to add the 3D printed piece to the upper part of the forward fuselage. I may need to assemble most of the fuselage and middle wing before I can see if this piece will work or not. It can be a problem for another day, or as I used to tell my student pilots: "Another chance to excel".

    Cheers everyone.

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    Carl Smoot said 4 months ago:

    That 3D part looks amazingly thin George (@gblair). It makes me wonder if the louvers on the P-36 could be printed in this manner (although they are quite a bit smaller).. Glad the warped wing straightened out. I have a B-52 kit with that problem that I want to tackle someday. This is all looking excellent. Congratulations on successfully getting that interior to work with the old Revell kit.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 months ago:

    Looks fantastic as it comes together, my friend @gblair! Cockpit is simply s masterpiece! Great assembly job!

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    IAN Convey said 4 months ago:

    George, Good to see the cockpit and fuselage went together ok. Smart move on the wings. Progressing well.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    Thanks, Carl (@clipper) and Spiros (@fiveten). Your B-52 wing is probably a lot longer than my Dr.1s. I hope your louvers aren't as fragile as the resin panel I cast. I have cracked it 3 different times just picking it up, and then repaired it with thin super glue.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    I did a lot of wet sanding today, mainly on the fuselage, but also worked on the wings. When everything was done, I sprayed some Tamiya Fine Primer on the fuselage. Everything looks pretty good, so far. The bottom of the fuselage has a seam where the fabric was stitched together. I need to thing about how I will do that. I have also be doing some reading on the fabric rib tapes on the wings. These were fabric reinforcements where the fabric was stitched to the wing ribs to keep the fabric in-place. They were located on each of the ribs on the top of each wing, the bottom of each wing, and on both sides of the horizontal tail. There was a plywood reinforcement on the leading edge of the wings, so the stitching starts where the plywood stops. As near as I can tell, the ailerons, the elevators, and the rudder were not stitched. Please let me know if this info is wrong. Tomorrow I hope to add the horizontal tail surfaces and at least the bottom wing. Cheers everyone.

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    IAN Convey said 4 months ago:

    Looking good George, all that work is paying off.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 months ago:

    Great progress, my friend @gblair! Not very much into stitching, but I think your approach is very good.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 months ago:

    You made some wonderful progress, George @gblair
    Great approach on levelling those wings.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    Thanks, Ian (@firelockg), Spiros (@fiveten), and John (@johnb). Stitching is an interesting subject that has a lot of debate. Lots of discussion about whether you should even show it, since it would be very subtle in most scales, and how to do it. From my reading, it also appears that later Dr.1s didn't have the rib tapes. I think I will go for doing tapes, but subtle. The stitching along the belly of the plane is a whole different debate.

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    Carl Smoot said 4 months ago:

    I am not sure what this stitching should look like George (@gblair), but I wonder if it might be duplicatable in this scale using the weld line technique that armor modelers use (with epoxy putty). It would need to be tested first , of course, but maybe it would work? Anyway, some food for thought.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    Hi Carl (@clipper): Not knowing much about WW1 planes, I have had to do some research on the rib tapes. As with many things in modeling, there is a certain amount of disagreement about these. Some people say they are so subtle that they shouldn't be modeled at all, while others say the commercial rib tapes you can get are too pronounced. In real life, the tapes were apparently used on the top and bottom of the wings and the horizontal stabilizer, but not on the rudder or elevators. Of course, there is some controversy about that also. The other issue here is that apparently the rib tapes were used on early and mid-production Dr.1s, but not late production. The Dr.1 wings had plywood on the top front of each wing, so the tapes don't start at the start of the wing, but after the plywood. I have a set of Quinta rib tapes for a Dr.1 in 1/32 scale (which is close to 1/28), but they are very pronounced. I have a book that shows the rib tapes on a Dr.1 and they are very subtle. I am contemplating using Tamiya tape for the tapes and see how they look. I think the Quinta may work OK for the rib tapes on the belly. I will probably be tackling the tapes tomorrow, so stay tuned.

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 months, 3 weeks ago:

    I have had a lot of family stuff going on, but I did get a chance to experiment a little with rib tapes. I bought a set of Quinta rib tapes for a Dr.1 to try on this model. They are 1/32 scale, but that should be close enough to 1/28 to use. I have read that some people think the texture on the rib tape is too pronounced, so I hoped that they would be less pronounced in a larger scale. I applied them to one wing. When they are dry, I plan to spray some primer on it and see how they look.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Great job with the rib tapes, my friend @gblair!