Starting a new project based on my son saying "Dad when are you going to build a Jet?"
I have some add-ons to go with the build. I purchased the Quickboost Aces II seats and although they are very nice they don't come with the ejector seat rails. So, I would have to scratch build them. Not interested in doing that at this point so I purchased a set from DEF Model. They are 3D printed and come with the ejector rails. All this stuff has been acquired over the last year.
I have an ordnance set from Hasegawa but it does not come with the new GBU-39's which are presently used in theatre. I have the Kit sniper pod but the Eduard one looks cool so I got that. Also, I got a set of AIM-9L sidewinders. I assume these are still used by these aircraft but I also have a set of AIM-9X as well. Can I use either set? I was going to use the 9X's on an F-35 I am intending to build as well.
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.