For my part of the group build, I plan to build a USAF F-104G operating at Luke AFB (58TFTW) in Arizona in 1974. The USAF operated 2 squadrons of TF/F-104Gs from 1963 to 1983 while operating as the training base for NATO F-104G pilots. Most of the planes carried standard USAF markings, however, there were several in the 69TFTS that carried German markings. I was stationed at Luke from 1973 to 1976 as a young lieutenant, and my bachelor quarters were next to the flight line where the F-104s were parked. I got to see them every day until I left to attend pilot training in 1976.
I want to build a standard F-104G in USAF markings. The kit does not include USAF decals, so I will need to raid my spares to get the markings. I don't plan to do a lot of upgrades to the kit, although I would like to add a resin seat to the model, and perhaps some Eduard interior PE, if I can find some. I hope to get started in the next couple of days. Looking forward to everyone's cool F-104s.
I have attached some photos I took while I was stationed at Luke.
5 attached images. Click to enlarge.