a Messermarine Spitschmitt 109 Mk.Vb?
This is the (in)famous Spitfire Mk Vb that was used by Daimler Benz to prove that a German engine was as good as a Merlin. The Spitfire was belly-landed on Jersey, and a DB605 engine from a Bf 110 was installed with the cowls from a Bf 109. (for better description visit Tolgoa Ulgurs build here on imodeler at https://imodeler.com/2013/01/148-messerspit-tamiya-fusion-models-captured-spitfire-mk-vb-with-db605-engine/) As I continue my quest for more 109’s I thought this combo might be an excuse for something different. Can it be added to my growing 109 collection? – Well I do think so, and therefore it’s all ahead slow;
There has been two After Market detail-kits that I know of; LF Model has one labelled as designed for Fujimi kit, and Fusion has one to fit a Tamiya.

1. Tamiya
2. Fusion
3. Quickboost
4. LF Model
The LF kit has a resin fuselage that largely resembles the Tamiya kit – I haven’t made a proper check of the wings, but the fuselage is an exact match to the Tamiya fuselage! LF supplies decals for the plane, and there is a new propeller/spinner/exhaust. It is clearly cast without vacuum, and has a lot of trapped air.
The Fusion kit is a very well made resin nose, and a cut along panellines makes it a drop-in conversion complete with propeller/spinner/exhaust, all well made, but with no decals or instructions to speak of.
Third option is a Quickboost Bf 110 engine, but obviously that will need major scratchbuilding.
Hannants stock the LF-model conversion, and Ultracast has the Fusion conversion. The Bf 110 engine is available a lot of places I think.
Next up the chosen way forward will be revealed – stay tuned, and feel free to comment