Thank you very much everyone, I appreciate the comment regarding the paintwork especially!
Removing the masks
With a second clear coat done. Time to remove those pesky masks. I can see a definite noticeable difference in the shine since applying the second coat.
No major issues, though a couple of bits pulled up on the razorback's canopy due to the use of the montex mask rather than eduard tape. Nice to see our pilot again.
As you can see I also took off the canopy of the razorback, I didn't take a picture at the time but the first thing I noticed was that it really needed some seatbelts so I'll go ahead and add them. Where the canopy was glued onto the fuselage I obviously didn't paint it, so I sprayed it in the green colour used before and added chipping with a sponge and brush.
The Little Bits
Mostly I focused on ordinance and checking that off the list. Each was given a wash. With the bombs I added the striped decals, and then later went over with a couple shades of green dry brushed across them. This gave them a bit of a cast texture (though honestly a little too much of a texture), but more importantly gave some variation.
Now lets talk about those Xtradecals for the RAF Thunderbolt. I've not had a great time with them, I find that the pinup is quite low detail, the roundels are very weak and ripped, generally not the best I've encountered. What annoys me more is that as far as I'm aware the only photo of this plane that exists is the one posted earlier, the Imperial War Museum lists the serial but Xtradecal puts it down as unknown. More annoyingly they provide a decal for the. 'Jappy Xmas', which is handy, but they don't have the quote marks or the QL54. If you're going through the effort of making part of the writing, why not all? Regardless, I added it with a brush.
And, a kilroy. The bubbletop has one hiding inside the fuselage, so the razorback needed one somewhere. I'll hide it away with his face facing the fuselage to keep him a little incognito.
Propellers were finally given attention. I tried a different approach to weathering than usual by using a black followed by a very dark grey, and then a tiny amount of silver on a sponge to chip the edge. We'll see how much is noticeable once they get a clear coat.
The M8 Rockets are a bit of a pain, painted in flat olive drab they don't take any washes particularly well as they're so dark. I used a little bit of wash to provide a tiny amount of variation on the tubes, and a black was for the lines though I doubt much of it is visible.
Finally the drop tank was just given a simple black wash.
Next up is to clear coat the little bits, sort out the antenna wire and finally make those pitot tubes.
Edit: Hey, what happened to that Eileen decal? I'll see if I can fix that. Hopefully it'd just a paint chip from the cockpit paint masks.
Edit 2: I was hoping it was a bit of paint flaked off of the mask, or at worse a dollop of rogue green as I had to respray to fix the edges of the fuselage that were previously unpainted under the canopy. Turns out that despite receiving a gloss clear over the entire aircraft, and most recently 2 semi-matt clears, this wasn't enough to prevent some tamiya tape lifting up the decal. Oof. Interesting that the names survived fine despite being under the tape too.
Thankfully yellow and red are among the most difficult paints to use by brush! Therefore repainting it shall be fun. Won't hurt to try either way.
4 additional images. Click to enlarge.