1/24 Alpha Model Ferrari SF90 Stradale

Started by Anthony Ricco · 22 · 7 months ago · 1/24, alpha model, car, Ferrari, sf90, stradale
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    Anthony Ricco said 8 months ago:

    Hey all this is my build log of the unbelievably detailed Alpha model Ferrari SF90 Stradale, this is a really unbelievable resin cast model kit or a beautiful car, hope I can do it justice

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    George Williams said 8 months ago:

    This is a beautiful car, Anthony, but the kit is way too expensive in my opinion, looking forward to watching your build.

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    John aitken said 8 months ago:

    Beautiful..expensive yes..but nobody gets rich making small run kits . It’s not exactly supply and demand, more that cost to produce quality is high..this brand makes exquisite models.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 8 months ago:

    Fantastic entry, my friend @anthonyricco! Looking forward to it!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 8 months ago:

    Great entry of what seems to be a wonderful kit, Anthony @anthonyricco
    This is definitely going to be a wonderful build.

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    Anthony Ricco said 8 months ago:

    @chinesegeorge - they are pricey but the quality is incredible. And the detail and the extras, if you bought a plastic kit with a transkit or a upgrade kit it would be a similar price.

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    Anthony Ricco said 8 months ago:

    Hi @johnaitken - you are right - these guys don't have the resources to produce the amount of plastic kits like the big companies but their quality is on par and better - in order to stay open the prices are a bit higher - but like you said they can do kits that you won't find the other companies doing.

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    Anthony Ricco said 8 months ago:

    To show the detail look at the dash here - and this is the engine parts all mocked up without paint. really detailed and accurate.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 8 months ago:

    This is seriously detailed, Anthony @anthonyricco

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 8 months ago:

    Fantastic details, my friend @anthonyricco! A really super kit!

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    John aitken said 8 months ago:

    How is the parts fit? Detail is obviously amazing..but larger resin bits often cure such that fit goes awry

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    Anthony Ricco said 8 months ago:

    @johnaitken the fit has been fantastic so far, can't complain about anything on it.

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    Anthony Ricco said 8 months ago:

    So engine parts painted up and ready to go in - looks so beautiful but such a pity you can't see much of it.

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    Anthony Ricco said 8 months ago:

    One thing that is really nice that I think the other manufacturers should adopt is that the PE parts are sandwiched between two pieces of sticky thick plastic so they don't get damaged. And if you look closely the PE with the blue plastic over it has the fret with the parts in place but they aren't joined to the fret they are freestanding so there is no cutting and cleaning needed - amazing quality.

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    George Williams said 8 months ago:

    Hi Anthony @anthonyricco, I see that Tamiya have deleted all their Ferrari models from their catalogue, do Alpha Models have a license from Ferrari to make these models?