Lamborghini Sesto Elemento, Aoshima, 1/24

Started by George Williams · 14 · 1 day ago
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    George Williams said 4 days, 15 hours ago:

    Hold on tight @eb801, @garybrantley, @johnb, and @fiveten, here’s the next Lamborghini, just brought by the postman:

    Happy modelling!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 days, 15 hours ago:

    Wow! Another awesome entry and great extras, my friend @chinesegeorge!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 days, 14 hours ago:

    That's an impressive looking Lamborghini, George @chinesegeorge
    Beautiful extras as well.

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    Eric Berg said 4 days, 4 hours ago:

    Wow, George @chinesegeorge. That’s going to looked wicked when finished. Aoshima does it again.

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    Gary Brantley said 4 days, 3 hours ago:

    Very cool, George @chinesegeorge! 😎 You got it goin' on, brother! 😄

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    George Williams said 3 days, 18 hours ago:

    Good morning Spiros @fiveten, @johnb, @eb801, and @garybrantley. Let’s make a start. I usually begin by going through the instructions and pencilling in the colour call-outs. Aoshima use AK colours that I’m not familiar with.

    The main body colour is going to be:

    On this occasion I’m going to start with the wheels. The kit gives you an option of two different styles:

    I’m choosing the second one because it gives you the opportunity to use some colour (metallic red) to brighten up what could become a rather mono-tone model.

    So they look like this:

    That’s it for today. Your support is much appreciated. Happy modelling.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 days, 16 hours ago:

    Great body shade chosen and those wheels look excellent, my friend @chinesegeorge!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 days, 14 hours ago:

    Wheels do look great this way, George @chinesegeorge
    Body will look beautiful with your chosen color.

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    Gary Brantley said 3 days, 7 hours ago:

    Beauty, mate! 😃 Great start, George @chinesegeorge! 👍

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    Eric Berg said 3 days, 3 hours ago:

    Aoshima always does a good job molding their wheels and you have really made this set “pop”. You’re off and running, George @chinesegeorge.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 days, 19 hours ago:

    What a cool-looking car, George @chinesegeorge. I had never really looked at Aoshima for car models, but it looks like they make a really nice model. Looking forward to the rest of the build.

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    George Williams said 1 day, 13 hours ago:

    Hello everyone, @eb801, @gblair, @garybrantley, @johnb, @fiveten, once again thanks to everyone for taking the time to look and comment.
    @gblair, hi George, you’re right about Aoshima, they have a terrific range of cars and motorcycles, well worth investigating, but don’t forget about Fujimi, probably the only company offering Ferrari kits.

    Anyway, on with the build, having done the wheels I thought I would have a go at the brakes.

    Like the wheels there is a choice of two very similar styles, plus the detail up set gives you etched metal discs. The calipers and centres are to be coloured metallic red. Aoshima say the discs should be silver. I’m not sure about this because I would have thought this car would be fitted with carbon ceramic discs which are a dull dark greyish colour. However I like the bright metal look of the etched ones, so I’m going for that. Here are the two styles:

    There’s not much to choose between them but I think I’m going for the ones on the left. I put some black panel liner on to try and show the ventilation holes a little better but it doesn’t show up much in the photos.
    The metallic red is a home brew of a base colour of silver with a top coat of clear red, something I’m still experimenting with.

    Constructing the engine comes next. Thanks again for looking and happy modelling.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 day, 3 hours ago:

    Those brakes do look great, George @chinesegeorge
    I would vote for the left ones as well.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 day ago:

    Brakes look great, my friend @chinesegeorge!