Lamborghini Sesto Elemento, Aoshima, 1/24

Started by George Williams · 33 · 4 days ago
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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 weeks ago:

    Great progress and equally great looks, my friend @chinesegeorge! Pity the engine bay hides a good amount of your work, but you know it's there.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 weeks ago:

    The engine looks really nice, George @chinesegeorge
    A pity most of it will not be visible in the end.

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    Gary Brantley said 3 weeks ago:

    That engine would look great displayed alone on an engine stand! 👏

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    George Williams said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Good evening gentlemen, @eb801, @gblair, @garybrantley, a class='bp-suggestions-mention' href='' rel='nofollow'>@fiveten @johnb. To finish off the engine I added the exhausts, cylinder heads, and air cleaner.

    And then made a start on the interior. Some of the pictures I found on the internet had a finish using chopped up carbon fibre embedded in resin, I tried a couple of paints and settled on standard gun metal which looked fairly close. On a lightweight special there are no carpets.

    The seats are interesting, the frames are part of the floor molding with cushions fixed on to make them comfortable. Here’s a picture with some of the cushions fixed.

    They are supplied in a gloss red styrene with a paint callout of matt red. I was puzzling on how best to do this when I hit upon the idea of just giving them a light sanding to dull down the gloss finish, and I think it worked out OK.

    So this is how she looks at the moment. Plenty of work still to do on the inside.

    Many thanks to everyone for looking and for your kind comments, happy modelling.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Some really good progress, George @chinesegeorge

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    The interior looks very realistic and suitably busy, George (@chinesegeorge). The red seats look fine.

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    Gary Brantley said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    That is interesting engineering on those seats, George. 😊 One wonders just how comfortable they might be. And one assumes that in that once in that car, seat comfort might not be one's first thought. My first thought would probably be, hit the foot-feeder! 😄

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    Eric Berg said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Toning down the red styrene was a good idea George @chinesegeorge. Those seats look terrific although I agree with Gary, not too comfortable looking. Nice progress.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Excellent interior and very nice idea to tone down the red styrene, my friend @chinesegeorge!

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    George Williams said 1 week, 5 days ago:

    Hello again everyone @gblair, @eb801, @garybrantley, @johnb, @fiveten, thank you for looking and commenting.

    In between getting ready for the Chinese New Year celebrations this week I managed to complete the interior.

    The dashboard is minimalist as the car is for track use only, hence the racing harnesses, Aoshima supply a choice of black or red belts plus etched fittings in the detail up pack.

    Now onto the bodywork which comes in three main sections.

    The middle section has been sanded down ready for the paint shop.

    You also get window masks in the kit.

    That’s it for now, happy modelling and happy Chinese New Year.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 week, 5 days ago:

    Great progress, my friend @chinesegeorge!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 week, 5 days ago:

    Some really nice progress, George @chinesegeorge

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    Eric Berg said 1 week, 5 days ago:

    Those belts look terrific as do the toned down seats, @chinesegeorge.

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    George Williams said 4 days, 23 hours ago:

    Thanks as always for looking guys, @eb801, @garybrantley, @gblair, @johnb, @fiveten.

    Well, it’s nearly finished now. The body has been sanded, primed, and top coat finish applied. I’ve fitted the glazing, lights, etc.

    The centre part of the body fits OK, no glue needed.

    And the front part clips into place quite nicely.

    But there is a problem with the rear section, it fits not too badly but it doesn’t stay in place, it slips back a fraction leaving a gap.

    I don’t really want to glue it in place.

    Just a few other little jobs to do and that will be that.

    Thanks for looking and happy modelling.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 days, 22 hours ago:

    Really a sweet-looking car, George (@chinesegeorge). The colors and finish are very striking. Perhaps a little dab of chewing gum would hold it in place, or perhaps a more hygienic alternative like poster putty. I just started a car model which I hope to be posting soon. Cheers.