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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Tony Fokker’s Greatest Hits

Three Eduard 1/48 kits, done pretty close to 'out of the box', fussy but excellent kits. One note, the Triplane is greener than the photos, some error by me in lighting or camera setting,the streaking was done with oil paints over [...]

Christmas wishes

To all members and visitors of iModeler, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful festive break and a Happy New Year. Launched in the fall of 2012, iModeler is already a hive of activity, thanks to the fantastic level of [...]

Building The “Double Hun” in 48th scale.

It has been 30 years or so since I built the Monogram F-100D “Super Sabre”, one of my favorite airplanes and one of my favorite models. I still have it in the display case after all these years. Several years ago I got a hold of a [...]

ProModeler P-47N

Monogram continued their line of P-47's by doing the N model with engraved panel lines that are sharp on wings and soft on fuselage and Ok on the tail. In other words there is some in consistency of the last production model of the Jug [...]

Video: Airfix 1/144 Handley Page H.P. 42 "Heracles" Part 1

Right, next video I make I promise I will shut off my laptop so that you don't get that incessant hiss from its fan all the way through the damn video!

Rest Models 1/48 I-5

Continue with Soviet aircraft) - now the Polikarpov I-5. Resin model is not new, and therefore rare. Going a little worse than I-3, and the quality is the same casting is excellent. Enjoy all the viewing.

1/48 Tamiya A6M3 Type 32

This kit is certainly showing it's age as the detail is very limited and its very basic when compared with today's releases from Tamiya or Hasegawa. The engine is only half molded, and the kit is an odd mix of raised (which I rescribed) [...]

1/48 ICM P-51B

This is ICM's knock off of the Tamiya kit. It is so close that the parts are virtually interchangeable. However that is where all similarities end. This kit is nowhere nearly as well engineered as the Tamiya kit and given it's low price [...]

1/48 Tamiya Bf-109E-7 Trop

Of JG.27, somewhere in the North African desert.

B-26 “Mild and Bitter” Monogram 1/48

Most of the shopping I do for my planes is on a website named hobbylinc considering the closest hobby store is an hour away but as I was in this hobby store that is an hour away I stumbled upon this plane that I know hobbylinc no longer [...]