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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

1/48th AFV Club, Sturmtiger

I broke one of my own rules and bought this kit a short while (probably 6-8 months) back when Squadron ran a great deal on it. I had always liked the vehicle regardless of its impracticality and the real lack of need for it by the time it [...]

Blue Max 1/48 Halberstadt CL.II

Some more of my 'paleomodeling', the Blue Max Halberstadt. I have always liked the lines of the Halberstadt CL's. The kit was a typical 'limited production' from a few years back, you had to make the parts go together. Covered with [...]

Eduard 1:48 SPAD S.XIII

Model of dioramas, about which I have spoken. Almost from box assembly, said only the pilot. Perhaps the aircraft will be too yellow, my mistake, but had to paint in the evenings under the lamp. And so probably got the wrong shade.

Revell Hawker Hunter F.MK.6

This has got to be one of the all time classic's of fighters of the 50's and is right up there with the F-86 in the looks dept. Once I saw the kit sitting on the shelves of my local hobby store it got adopted and brought home. The paint [...]

Another Monogram B-25

This is "Ruthie", done from the same Bombshell Decals sheet Steve Towle did "Solid Jackson" from - I sent around the decals I got for review and six of us did models from the decals for a "group review" at [...]

Monogram 1/72 F-11c Hawk

I got this kit at a club auction, in a plastic baggie, with instructions, but sans decals. I built it out of nostalgia for old kits, built when I was younger, but with an adult 'eye'. I replaced the missing decals with a borrowed 1/48 kit [...]

Time for another ship – “Big Mamie”

Trumpeter 1/350 USS Massachusetts (BB-59). First US battleship to fire its guns in anger at another battleship since the Spanish American War (versus French "Jean Bart" during the North African invasion). Tom's Modelworks [...]

1/48th Tamiya Bf 109E4

This is just a fun little kit and with all the 109's showing up I thought I might put up this one. I usually build a little more weathered, but I still like this one. I built Galland's plane, adding the telescopic site through the [...]

A-10 Warthog 1/48 Monogram

This is the model that got me back into the hobby after a decade long absence, 1/48 Monogram A-10 with a few tweaks. While being fairly well immobilized by a foot injury, I found two Monogram A-10s in my closet. I gave one to my 10 year [...]

Hasegawa 1/32 Bf-109F-4

Since everybody likes 109s, here's the long-awaited Hasegawa Bf-109F-4, done as Marseille's "Gelbe 14" with Lifelike Decals. Paints are Xtracrylix, "sun faded." Model done last year when it was first released. The [...]