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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

1/32 Bf-109B-2

The Eduard Bf-109E-1 modified to Bf-109B-2 with the Alley-Cat conversion set. Very easy. There's been no end of confusion over the camouflage the first Bf-109B's were in when sent to Spain. I agree with Lynn Ritger's research, that they [...]

Republic F-84F Thunderstreak Monogram 1/48

Maybe it's my age, well, I was born in 1952 after all, but I really like the jets from the '50s. To me, they just look like a jet fighter is supposed to. It seems that to aircraft designers back then, there was no limit to their [...]

Monogram B-25J “Solid Jackson”

This model is one of my favorite Monogram kits. Their B-25 has a typical Monogram fit of being a little loose in the fit dept and is not up to days standards of CAD designed engineered models. However, with some modeling skill,filler and [...]

Airfix New tooled Spitfire XIX

What I love about these new tooled Airfix kits are the simplicity and directness of the design of models. This one was built OOB. The decals work reasonably well given the price paid for the kit and are way better than some more of the [...]


Finished this one last year. It took me a year to build to the day I called it finished. Posted on another site, but one of my all time favorites. And fun to build. It is a 1/48 scale AMT/ERTL F7F-3 Tigercat mostly out of the box,and [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F/A 18F RAAF

Hey Guys, in the process of posting some of my builds, this is my latest 1/48 Hasegawa F/A 18F super hornet done in my local RAAF markings i used my first cockpit detail set, i used aires cockpit set, still not sure about the top colour, [...]

U-96 "Das Boot"

This is the fourth model I built, and after doing three aircraft, I was in the mood to do a warship. The big Revel 1/72 scale U-boat kit was fairly new at the time, and I was eager to see what I could do with it. The kit is absolutely [...]

Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate

This is the Hasegawa 1/32 scale Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate kit, and represents a machine operating from Formosa in late 1944 and early 1945. I built this two years ago, and it was my first attempt at a kit in this scale, and my first attempt at [...]

Messerschmitt Bf109-E3

Tamiya 1/48 scale Messerschmitt Bf109E-3 flown by Obt. Kurt Wolff of III/JG52 during the Battle of Britain. He force landed at Coquelles in the summer of 1940, after combat with RAF Spitfires.

P-51D Mustang

Tamiya 1/48 scale North American P-51D Mustang of the 4th Fighter Squadron, 3rd Air Commando Group.