The 1/32 Bf 109 Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with 1/32 Bf 109
  • 3 articles
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  • Last addition 1 week, 1 day ago

1/32 Hasegawa+AIMS Messerschmitt Bf 109G-5

This is 1/32 Hasegawa Messerschmitt Bf-109G-5 with the markings of W.Nr 27112 Maj. Walther Dahl CO of III./JG3 Bad Wörishofen Germany in December 1943. Machine is in over-all RLM 76 with black anti-exhaust staining on both wing [...]

1/32 Dragon Bf-109E3 “Erich Mix”

This is 1/32 Dragon Bf-109E3 with the markings of StabI./JG53 Wiesbaden-Erbenheim November 1939.( flown by Dr Erich Mix) I used Quinta Studio cockpit set and Quickboost seat in the cockpit. Exhausts were replaced with Reskit exhaust [...]

1/32 Hasegawa Messerchmitt Bf-109 K4

This is 1/32 Hasegawa Bf-109K4 from Stab III. /JG53 Kaufbeuren Germany in April 1945. I used MDC cockpit set, Yahu instrument panel and Eduard seat belts in the cockpit Other modifications are: Quickboost exhaust set Loon models [...]