The 1/144 Database at iModeler

331 articles
  • Items tagged with 1/144
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  • Last addition 7 months, 2 weeks ago

1:144 scale modeling

1/144 TWA C-54.

This started life as a Berlin Airlift boxing of the Minicraft kit. I picked it up at a swap meet for $3. A deal too good to refuse! This is also how stashes grow exponentially, lol. Anyways, I was going to build it using the kit [...]

Video: B-1B Lancer | Academy 1/144 Full Build

Review: G.W.H 1/144 Valiant B MkI Review

Lancaster or York? Definitely a Lancastrian! Avro Lancastrian VH-EAS, Qantas 1949

The name "Lancastrian" may sound strange to uninitiated ears, but it has significance and weight in English history: the aristocratic party of the House of Lancaster had fought with the supporters of the House of York in the [...]

1/144 SBD Dauntless (Brengun Models)

I seem to have moved away from the larger scales. God knows what I will do with about 45 Wingnut Wings 1/32 kits, but here we are. As my eyesight deteriorates my modelling subjects are shrinking! I thought I'd try a 1/144 subject, so got [...]

Seawolf at home

Trumpeter 1/144 Seawolf set on a pink board base with resin clay for the waves and cotton ball wake. First large attempt of a water base.

What a sight! McDonnell Douglas DC-10 Air Tanker

With some modelling projects, it is quite clear what motivated you to build them. In the case of the rare DC-10 modification presented here, I can easily identify three factors that I would like to present below. Fascination number one: [...]

1/144 AFV Club CH-124 Sea King RCN

It was surprisingly good for surprisingly cheap kit. Kit comes with sprues for two identical models. Decals are basic (US Navy, Royal Canadian Navy and Indian Navy) but parts are very well molded and fit well together. Models are quite [...]

1/144 Curtiss C-46

This is the newish Platz kit finished with Tamiya lacquer paints and Vintage Flyer decals. It represents a Slick Airways freighter during the late 1940s. Slick was a significant American cargo carrier between 1946 and 1966 when it was [...]

1/144 A-Model Canadair CL-415

Sooo...when start running out of display space, a grown up boy should: a) grow up and stop building models b) drop to a smaller scale I chose B of course, and for the first time in my life built 1/144 model. Since I went downscale I [...]