1:700 scale modeling
165 articles
I built this about four years ago. I bought the Fujimi kit with etch as a change of pace from aircraft modelling intending it to be a quick build OOB. Err no, I got totally immersed in the subject and scratch built and bought additional [...]
When launched, the Columbo Express was the largest ship in the world, capable of hauling 1800 containers of cargo at once. She was the largest ship ever launched to be driven by just one propeller. Yet, despite her size, she is crewed by [...]
This was my wife, Carol's, first model. I asked if she'd be interested in building anything, and she asked if they made sailing ships. She thought they looked neat. I was at a contest with my buddies, when I came across this model of [...]
Won't go into this heavy cruiser's history as most people using this website are familiar with it.
The kit is the Matchbox 1/700th scale built back when it was the only show in town. Box stock with the exception of the radar screen which [...]
Hello, this is my first post in iModeler. So I hope you guys like it.
The Imperial Chinese Navy Chen Yuen built in Stettiner Vulcan AG, Germany, was the sister of Ting Yuen. She was completed and enrolled Peiyang Fleet service in 1885. [...]